Difficulty landing job, MACC/CPA, 4.0 - Page 4

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  • #1646167


    I’ve just started my Macc program. I am a career switch, and accounting seems to be my calling in life. I’m good, my profs like me, and even most of my other students like me (I tutor a lot). Those who teach me, go to class with me, or my BAP fellow members speak highly of me.

    However, I seem to be having problems landing a job. I have one tax season worth of experience at a small CPA firm that uses CCH prosytems and engagement. I heard behind closed doors compliments. I’m really ambitious (and some are put off by how overachieving I can be, but there’s not a lot I can do about that). I’m interested in international tax.

    I’ve gotten an interview in some way with every top-10 firm I’ve applied to, and a half dozen large local, and regional firms. However, despite my grades, reasonable accounting experience, and excellent pre-accounting experience I’m not getting offers. People I know who are significantly less qualified are getting offers before me. It’s really bugging me, and I’d like some advice.

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  • #1647278

    I'm glad to be the first to spot the troll, I think I was anyway. Whoever it was, they did a really good job.


    If someone's idea of trolling is to pose as a 30 year old whose claim to fame is other students ask for help, or that a Professor talks to him, that's exceptionally weak.

    But I agree, false dilemma. Starts with “I need your advice”, then when gets advice plays the “oh, that doesn't apply to ME, that only applies to mere mortals, which I am not…….”

    Then decries the hiring process because it doesn't live up to his enlightened standards or his research into correlation between test results and success.

    Also believes he's going to discuss the CPA process with an advisor the third week of October, and both be approved to sit AND knock out two sections before tax season.

    Will return end of January proclaiming there is no reason for people to claim the exams are difficult, he sat for 2 and they were both easy peasy and he's convinced the EWS award is his for the taking.

    Gets two 71's, never heard from again.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    If a troll, at least others may see what not to do and get some good advice on this thread…holy moly!

    FAR - 64,71,64,71,75!!!!
    REG - 64,63,65,68, July
    BEC - 69,74, July
    AUD - 53, June 8th


    Trolling sounds like fun!


    the fact that brick hasn't chimed in on this thread after the connections were made speaks volumes. That dude wouldn't be able to resist a thread like this if he wasn't one and the same as doug.


    I'm somewhat similar to Doug.
    I graduated undergrad at the top of my class as the valedictorian.
    I applied and applied for jobs when I was getting my MPA last year (the WVU equivalent to MACC).
    I was working on my CPA at the time, and now I've passed it at 23.
    I'm currently working for a State Agency (The university I got my undergrad at).

    After going through what I've been through, I agree. The firms look for a personality. I have a really weird personality that doesn't really show itself until I get comfortable around people. All the recruiters saw was an antisocial prick with me. The didn't see my real self and how I really do get along with people.

    Again, personality is key. Show the recruiters what they are looking for.


    Being on the other side for about 4 years now at a top public accounting firm, I’ve definitely seen how things work. I’ve seen partners turn away students with a 4.0 simply because they don’t believe they will be a good fit for the firm. However, I would not totally discredit a good GPA. I understand this may be frustrating with all the constructive criticism but based on how you answered your questions, I would’ve expected them to be worded a little differently. Even if frustrated, at this point, you should’ve had them nailed down how you would normally say it in an interview even if you’re just trying to fool the interviewer. Based on your responses, I would like to offer the following feedback, and I do not mean any kind of disrespect and would even offer to jump on a call with you if you’ll like.

    I wouldn’t mention anything related to a career change or prior to accounting right away – that off the bat dates you. Let them come to you with those types of questions once they review your resume and question the dates. I would simply start off your elevator speech and state – I have experience working for a think tank in economic development and have invested in real-estate (would only mention real-estate if you know the firm has clients who construct/invest in properties). I always taken a personal interest in finance which led me to accounting and entering the Macc program. Through the recommendation of X professor (if you’re at meet the firms, a lot of times they bring alumni’s who may know the professor and that person can reach out to the professor personally and get additional feedback) I have helped/tutored a number of students in the Macc program. I feel like this has given me a strong base/foundation for what I would be expose to if I were to work at your firm. (This a simple line of you letting them know that you know accounting and are smart without actually saying it).

    Your response for career change –sounds like you’re tired and just want a 9-5 kind of thing. Which based from your other responses, I do not get that vibe. Public accounting is rough and stressful. So I’d use that and your experience to your advantage. Once the career question gets brought up, I’d mention – I want a more stable career however one that will continue to challenge me. You can then try to relate to the person/position and mention I’ve heard that tax season can be stressful and given my experience with XX I believe this has given me the experience to excel in a stressful environment.

    “I'm applying to tax because I hate the government and want to help people plan their estates (since my parents did it poorly) and international (because I have foreign investments and I'm not interested in fighting market trends).” Based on your other responses you seem like a smart guy that wouldn’t explain it like this. However like I mentioned before, I would answer everyone how you would answer in an interview so we can give you more accurate advice.

    Overall, I agree with the majority of people that you have the qualifications; however, how you may deliver them is totally different. Try working on connecting your experience with tax/job position you are going for (excel and people skills, communicating with the client, stressful environment) and how this has given you a great foundation however you are aware that there is room to grow. The majority of times, we are not expecting new hires to have much experience, but rather are willing to jot down notes and learn.

    Hope this helps and sorry for any typos was trying to get this in during my study break.


    very upset that i didn't realize there was a page 2 until i posted. Used up my study break for this.. Well i hope that my post helps someone out there that truly needs it.


    no matter whether this post is a troll or not, I want to thank Doug sincerely. Because of his post, I've learned a lot of valuable advice from you guys. I am going to complete my MAcc this December. So far I have kept a 4.0 GPA for both my undergraduate and graduate in accounting and passed two of the four CPA exams. As a Chinese who moved to the States 6 years ago, the cultural differences can make everything more challenging, including interview. I am outgoing and tend to offer TMI, even in an interview. Also, I can be too honest and straight forward sometimes. Luckily, I got an offer from a top 50 CPA firm a couple weeks ago but considering whether to accept it or not at this point. I will definitely utilize all the great advice in my future interviews. Thank you everyone!


    I guess this was indeed a troll post. Doug hasn't responded in days and base on past experience he should have responded by now. I'm just curious why people even take time out to make a post like this, seriously!! I even question whether or not they're a CPA/CPA candidate.. its almost as if someone just randomly googled a forum and start posting stuff. LMAO!! However, it does make me appreciate everyone on here willing to take time out to answer. @Doug and many trolls out there y'all need to find better things to do, like for REAL!


    Yo CPAbrgon,

    I'm in a slightly similar position as you and I have undergone similar experiences as you. Even though I rarely comment on here and only use this site for CPA advice, I registered an account as I figured you would value my input.

    To start off, like you, I am an overachiever myself and I am recent college graduate from the University of Illinois. I am currently cramming in REG as I have passed FAR & BEC. Furthermore, and even more noteworthy IMO I have also passed both CFA Levels 1 & 2 (perfect score) at the age of 23. Even though I think the CPA holds more weight, if you didnt know what the CFA is, its “Wall Streets Hardest Exam” and its only offered once a year.

    I didn't say all of that to brag. I said that because I HAVE HAD INTERVIEW ISSUES MYSELF. These issues were formerly in Public Accounting and still persist now as I am vying for much more competitive positions in Finance … and I might be the only 23 year old whos scored a perfect score on CFA Level 2.

    Bro, I get it your smart. But guess what, do you think these firms care about how smart you are? No. Do you wanna know why? For several reasons let me break this down for you:

    First, your not even profitable to the firm. No. Quite frankly when your initially hired you’ll be an expense to the firm because they’ll have to train you. So tone down your fuckin attitude because youre nobody right now, as am I.

    Second, why don’t you get LinkedIn premium and look into how many people are applying to public accounting roles at the Big 4 or even middle tier. You should further inspect the number of seniors who are also applying AND HAVE FULL TIME WORK EXPERIENCE UNLIKE YOU OR MYSELF.

    Third, if a senior is interviewing you, do you think he/she wants to hire someone who’s “smarter and more ambitious” than he/she is? If your saying yes… think again. Do you think he/she wants to hire someone that will beat him/her out for that next promotion, or further may even cause him to look bad?

    Fourth, do you think people like it when you come in as a snob, acting all smart and shit when your just some 20 year old fuck? Do you think people enjoy being around such arrogant pricks?

    So in conclusion, your smart and your bright, but I hate to tell you something, Public Accounting firms are very well connected and establishing a bad rep at one can easily damage your chances at other ones as well (I speak from experience). So tone down the attitude, and don’t go into an interview trying to come off as intelligent. Go into the interview as a pleasant human being who is just happy to be there and PLEASANT TO WORK WITH. They want to hire someone who is going to make their life more enjoyable and easier (not harder as I have explained above).

    Im not saying this to bash you, I am saying this because you posted and I felt as if I could add some valuable input, as I myself have experienced these circumstances as well… and it sucks. Feel free to reach out, especially if your interested in Finance 😛

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