Difficulty landing job, MACC/CPA, 4.0 - Page 3

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  • #1646167


    I’ve just started my Macc program. I am a career switch, and accounting seems to be my calling in life. I’m good, my profs like me, and even most of my other students like me (I tutor a lot). Those who teach me, go to class with me, or my BAP fellow members speak highly of me.

    However, I seem to be having problems landing a job. I have one tax season worth of experience at a small CPA firm that uses CCH prosytems and engagement. I heard behind closed doors compliments. I’m really ambitious (and some are put off by how overachieving I can be, but there’s not a lot I can do about that). I’m interested in international tax.

    I’ve gotten an interview in some way with every top-10 firm I’ve applied to, and a half dozen large local, and regional firms. However, despite my grades, reasonable accounting experience, and excellent pre-accounting experience I’m not getting offers. People I know who are significantly less qualified are getting offers before me. It’s really bugging me, and I’d like some advice.

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  • #1646899


    Since you don't like sentimentality (neither do I), let's cut the bullshit and pretense. You'll never get a job if you can't convince people that you're not an asshole. The best way to do this is to not be an asshole. Every single thing in this thread tells me you are one. I don't think Thaler has written on this subject, but I would suggest “Assholes: A Theory” by Aaron James. It's a fun read.

    You should know that other people are not as stupid and inept as you think they are.

    Good luck!




    I can't decide if this dude is trolling or for real. He's only posted in this single thread that he created.


    A finance wiz who has made a killing in real estate but is switching to an entry-level accounting position. Sorry, I call bullshit:) LOL!


    Dammit, you guys might be right.


    Doug has to be a troll, this dude can't be for real.


    Your best bet is to go to MTF events and bring your resume and/or apply to big 4 firms where grades and credentials matter more than culture. But if you are going thinking that you deserve the job because you are a 4.0 MACC/CPA. Believe me your job will be taken be a hard working, struggling individual, first college generation, that is struggling to get her CPA license like ME! lol


    Wait so you guys are telling me this is all FAKE! oh wow, well- “I have come up with one of the greatest terms of all terms, other people perhaps may have used this term but I never noticed.” Not only is the Media “FAKE” I didn't realize someone can be FAKE on here too.. guess we should be more cognizant of what we read now.


    So maybe I was as stupid and inept as you thought.


    @Juice23, don't feel bad as so many of us have been there. Doug aka BrickellCPA aka Derosa (the list of fake accounts goes on and on) is famous for starting heated threads here. I'm somewhere between being amused by his expert trolling and seriously wondering if the guy has a physiological disorder.

    Hope that doesn't change your willingness to help people on this forum. I myself have found your comments to be very frank, considerate and on point.

    AUD - passed
    REG - passed
    BEC - passed
    FAR - passed


    Oh Doug,

    You are getting smoked on this thread but I'd also like to see you get some assistance! I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are not a troll and that everything you are saying is true. My initial thought when I read your first post is that you are over qualified for these entry level positions you're applying for. Not in the sense that you have a ton of experience in tax, because you hardly have any, but your experience in other somewhat relate-able industries and coming in appearing to be “one step ahead of the competition” might actually be what is hurting you.

    A lot of firms that hire for entry-level positions actually want their hires to have close to no experience, they want a clean slate dummy to train their way with no bad habits already in place. If you are telling the people hiring you that you are smarter than everyone and you do this and that, like you have on this thread, most are probably going to ask why would we hire this guy for an entry level position? He seems more like a senior or manager, but no experience or credentials to do either job. So you might be putting yourself in a sticky place for our industry, you need to think about what is desired at each position within a firm and see where you fit.

    Unfortunately, a 4.0 on 50 units of your MACC and “working towards” your CPA license carries pretty much no value for you in landing a job. You can spend extra time tutoring kids until you are blue in the face, but that doesn't mean you are going to have the knowledge and skill set to get your job done and also fit in with the culture of the firm. The CPA license helps some, but EXPERIENCE is the only thing that is going to help you climb the ladder in this industry, its just the way this one works. When I got my CPA license, I didn't get that big of a raise and I was pissed about it, wondering why. The raise I wanted came when I took on a sh*t ton more work and started showing the partners how I am saving them money here and making them money there. A 4.0 GPA, tutoring kids, and being eligible to sit for the CPA exam has nothing to do with being valuable to a CPA firm.

    As others on here have said on here, just show some humility and if you are applying for entry-level then present yourself as entry-level. If you are as great as you say you are, then you really should have job offers, because to be honest what firm wouldn't want you if you are everything you are saying on paper unless you really are coming off as a smug asshole to them?

    My final piece of real advice – leave whatever work experience in other industries that you have over the past few years out of it as much as you can. Its OK to talk about it if it comes up, but don't use that experience in trying to boost your resume for a public accounting job – it is all useless. Focus on your accounting education and the little experience in public you do have, and that should land you right at an entry level job because that is about where you are at. All the other stuff is just a distraction that can lead employers to walk the other way. Good luck to you buddy!

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016


    @Son – you are on to something there. This Doug character has the distinct flavor of Brick and Derosa. Consider me amused at this point as well but let's see how things go when the troll makes its way back up from under the bridge.


    So, when I read this thread this morning I honestly thought this sounded much like something Brickell would post but I did not say anything. Now I must find Derosa's posts.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    I can't fathom what type of person would troll CPA forums. This topic doesn't seem real to me so I call BS. He's pathetic and everyone offering their time and effort to offer help is heartwarming.


    I guess ignorance is bliss. I did not even think about this being a troll post at all until someone mentioned then I questioned the OP's post.. Anyways, it is quite entertaining and a good “study break” LOL. Back to the books now!

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