Thank you all so much for the input. The reason I haven't been studying for my CPA exam is because I would hate to waste time on something that I hated. I am money-hungry sometimes and so I chose this field. I read a lot about how people regretted not changing their careers from accounting when there was still time.
At SeattleAccountant – thank you for the encouragements – I love knocking on doors when I feel confident – i used to be a door to door sales agent but quit (am I a quitter?). Anyways, I did learn that not being shy about asking for help is a very beneficial thing, and giving help too can be rewarding. I will do just that thank you – just join the race and give it my all again just like I did for that one position I didn't get.
@Jennifer241- the fact that most accountants you know don't like their jobs is very valuable for me to know – thank you. I was wondering if you liked your job? Is public accounting the same as corporate accounting?
@Lyzgrace – thank you so much! I am the same way – I really see myself having my own business – and a financial management business really does seem like an amazing career. Being a Registered Investment Adviser requires some further certifications – but that coupled with CPA would bring you amazing business. I've done research on RIA firms that help businesses and individuals manage their investments, financing, tax issues and many other topics. Job satisfaction in RIA firms is very high even in times when the economy isn't doing well. You reminded me of when I used to work for H&R block and I loved the feeling of helping people with something they felt helpless about – almost felt like a doctor! lol…So thank you for reminding me that. Good luck on your studies for the FAR exam in april. This would be when I write my first section if I choose to continue this route.
@Joel – The government job in Canada – completely lied about the job description too – it was a desk job rather than a field job and invloved administration rather than actual audit – they didnt have a job description for the position the hired me for and said it was only temporary – then I found out it wasn't so temporary because of the many obstacles and times frames for moving up or qualifying for something else, or maybe I was just lazy and unresourceful because I just felt depressed there for some reason – may have been just the grey atmosphere with ackward people – I should have left right away but the high salary kept me glued to a chair in a grey cubicle in a place where you can't open windows (security b/s) and can't have real plants (bacteria b/s)…So the gov't wasn't for me and I felt like I was destroying my soul by telling poor manipulated immigrants that we will charge them 9% daily compounded interest on amount they didn't think they would owe when file their return 3 years ago. So they didn't know, yet have to pay interest for 3 years even though they weren't told there was a problem. I suspect there are a lot very difficult situations like this created in the finance/accounting world, unfair situations…So I will just use my accounting and business education to start my own business in something I love – flowers and animals. Question is whether I will regret not getting CPA…
I also find that the path to being a CPA is way too structured – it is almost like this accounting profession has to be promoted in this way because otherwise there wouldn't be enough demand for it. There seems to be comments made by professional body members in order to promote this profession. Back when the transcontinental railroad was built in the U.S. – the corporate world started to grow and expand significantly – and this whole time the accounting profession has been evolving since that point, so because it is a fairly new profesison I feel like there is some hidden political agenda for this, CPAs are needed today when the agenda changes – how do you know what is going to happen?
I also disagree with other b/s about CPA exam – like no longer being allowed to bring paper to the exam – you are given a DRY ERASE BOARD LOL…And doing the CPA exam on the computer would be less effective for me because I focus better when I can feel/touch the paper with the questions…twist it around whichever- and make marking and checkmarks or x marks on questions to mark relevant and irrlevant data….
I really would have loved to be part of the accounting world due the globalization taking place now and convergence to IFRS. I think this would open up so many opportunities for travel or to be able to move to a different part of the world…and I'll also regret losing the job security. But even a cleaning business can give job security- everyone needs a cleaning at some point and not everyone has the time for it – right? And I really don't mind cleaning because I really like working with my hands. Anyways, there are just so many opportunities out there.. Being a CPA sounds so tasty, so I'm confused again I am back in square one.
FlipaCoin – thank you – I flipped a coin and I even went on an oracle page lol. To be a CPA or not be CPA, that is the question. The money situation isn't great either right now – the exam fees and such will add up and I'd need a part-time job at least to help cover those costs…One thing that I will NEVER do to myself aagain (well never say never) is working full-time and then still having to study – or is it really that bad?