Career changing with the "I need a job" blues

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  • #173989

    First off … I came across this forum a few months back but have only made it part of my daily reading over the past few weeks. I’m very glad that I have, if only because it is nice to know that there are so many embarking on or currently traversing the path to licensure.

    So anyway. I’m an almost-29 year old career changer looking to bust into accounting. I got my BSci in Math about six years ago, did seasonal tax prep for one season after college, temped in A/R for a large multi-national biopharm company for just under a year, and then went into high school teaching for four years. During my third year of teaching (my second in a small private school), I decided it was time for a change. In my last year in education, I started towards an accounting certificate program through a state school. Sadly (albeit somewhat fortunately?) during this year, my employer folded due to low enrollment. I was then able to go to school full time for the 2011-2012 school year, wrapping up the necessary 54 credits this past August.

    Unfortunately, during the time that I was taking classes, I was unable to apply or complete any internships (it’s remarkably difficult to get an internship when you’re completing the majority of your major requirements in a two-semester mad dash). That said, I completed my coursework with a 3.977 GPA (a great sigh of relief since my BSci GPA was sub-3.0) and am now starting CPA review and looking for work.

    The CPA Exam, while I’m not taking it for granted, is second on the priority list after finding work. Too many fixed monthly expenses and no more unemployment mean that if I don’t find something *very* soon, well, I just don’t want to think about it. Since starting my hunt in late August, I’ve got no nibbles. Granted, this means that aside from two rejections, I’ve heard nothing whatsoever, so there may still be hope, but, to some extent, I’m not holding my breath. Also, as a result, I’ve resigned myself to knowing that I probably won’t start my accounting career in public. I’m just hoping I can get my foot in the door with private industry while I sort out the exam.

    Anyway … I’ve rambled enough for now. No real questions here. … Though, actually: any judgment on how long I should wait before I write off submitted resumes? Aside from that, I’m just happy to find a place where I can share in people’s successes (and exam frustrations and head banging… y’know, into the nearest wall) through this process.


    REG -- 77 (11/12)
    AUD -- 77 (2/13)
    BEC -- 89 (4/13)
    FAR -- 91 (10/13)

    Roger CPA, Wiley

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  • #380149

    My professor told me something very valuable. “There are many paths to the same goal” Don't think you can only get a job using the traditional route. Be creative. If you get a job in private, especially fortune 500 companies and you are in the internal audit department, these big companies are going to be audited by the Big 4. Establish a relationship with the auditors that audit you and they may be able to help you when a position opens or connect you to another position at another firm.

    I just started looking for a job too and it can be quite frustrating. You may get 1,000 rejections, but you only need one firm to take a chance on you. Good luck šŸ™‚


    Thanks for the encouragement! I've not taken much of anything off the table in terms of how I'm willing to get to licensure (and, hopefully, someday, Big 4 accounting). Getting to step 1 (read: first job in any kind of accounting) is the real challenge at the moment, and man, what I would give to hear back anything from even half of the employers I've sent a resume to.

    Ah well … back to the books. 200+ MCQs are in my near immediate future. What a day!

    Best of luck with your job search, too!

    REG -- 77 (11/12)
    AUD -- 77 (2/13)
    BEC -- 89 (4/13)
    FAR -- 91 (10/13)

    Roger CPA, Wiley


    Students tend to think big 4 accounting is the end all be all.

    In reality, there are MANY paths. Find what is right for you. There are many uber succesful people who have no public accounting experience.

    I don't really know, since I just graduated. But i tend to theink that if big 4 did not have such huge presences on college campuses & early recruiting seasons, many of the students who chose to do public accounting and became really succesful, would have gone a different route and been equally if not even more successful. I tend to think it is more about you (your drive, communication skills, and integlligence) than where you end up – as long as you can get into a company with growth & training opportunities – which I imagine most fortune 500 type companies have.

    @jle: it helps if you use your college career job search engine. Also, if you start attending those state board/aicpa networking brunch type networking events they always throw and introduce yourself to people, start networking,…I think your odds go up.

    REG - Passed!!
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed

    Study Materials: Becker basic course


    Don't get me wrong, I understand that Big 4 isn't the “end all, be all,” but it is certainly something that I would like to achieve, if only for the opportunities that it can open up. To some degree, it's more of a “paying my dues” thing more than anything else … if that makes any sense?

    As for resources my college has to offer… honestly, the school I did my accounting work at has very few connections. To my understanding, no regional firms visit, let alone Big 4. The “Accounting Career Fair” that was offered this past spring had a pathetic offering of visiting companies, where I don't think a single public firm showed up. As for other companies, they could be counted on maybe two hands?

    On the bright side, I am a student member of my state society, and I will be attending a career night early next month. I'll certainly look into other networking events that are offered.

    Worse comes to worst, I will start going through some staffing agencies. Not really a path I wanted to take, but if it means having something that will pay the mounting bills.

    REG -- 77 (11/12)
    AUD -- 77 (2/13)
    BEC -- 89 (4/13)
    FAR -- 91 (10/13)

    Roger CPA, Wiley


    Guys, I feel like we're all in a similar situation here. My situation is very similar to jle minus any accounting experience. Anyone think we should form some sort of “Unorthodox Path to Public Accounting” group? We can share strategies, successes, and keep each other motivated. Let me know what you guys think.

    BEC - 84
    AUD - 83
    FAR - 82
    REG - 81



    Of all the positions I have held in my career, I least liked being an auditor. I worked for a mid-size CPA firm and never really gave the Big4 much thought in my career path.

    You say that you want to achieve a Big4 job for the opportunities it will open up, but those same opportunities can open up with a mid-size or small firm. Maybe you work for the smaller firm for two years, and then get recruited by a Big4 or maybe a client offers you a job. Maybe you take a temp accounting job at a big corporation and they hire you permanent (they'll have CPA's on staff who can sign off on your experience).

    Some may laugh at my strategies . . . but the accounting agencies are good places to build your experience . . . which can lead to a permanent job . . . and so on . . .post your resume on Monster a headhunter may see it and give you a call . . . open up the phone book and look up all the CPA firms in your city (or surrounding metropolitan area) and give them a call and ask if they are hiring right now . . .

    How long should you wait until writing off a submitted resume? Keep submitting them to new firms and new employers until you get an offer.

    FAR 02/26/13 78 [05/25/12 67]
    AUD 07/07/12 85
    REG 05/28/13 80 [08/25/12 72]
    BEC 11/26/12 81


    Jle, where are you located?

    FAR -- 90
    AUD -- 95
    BEC -- 82
    REG -- 92



    My experience is very similar to yours. I was 30 years old with a career change into accounting. I went full time for my Masters and like you, I started my job hunt in August…with a high GPA (this was back in 2010). Also, I did not have an internship. My school advisors basically told me I had zero shot at getting a job at a Big4 since I got started so late. After several rejections, a Big4 called me and I ended up there beginning in October. The high GPA is the reason I got noticed, but my past work experience in a completely different industry really HELPED me get the job. They were looking for people with diverse backgrounds. My point is, there are many different routes…Big4, mid-sized firm, industry, etc. Things usually work out for the best. Stay positive and don't get discouraged! C: There are a lot more of us with the “non-traditional” route than you think.


    @Sonja: Big 4 is a goal, and I recognize it as such. From what I read, I know it's not for everyone. For me, right now, I feel like it would fit into my life. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. I am keeping my options open and I am looking at small and mid-size firms, and actually, the majority of my resumes over the past week and a half have been submitted to private industry. And yes, I am continuing to submit resumes while waiting on others. I'd just like to have some idea when I can say, “Okay, that one isn't getting back to me” — something I'm sure I'll never know, but waiting and never knowing officially is never much fun.

    @Kim: “Down the shore” NJ. I'm probably near equidistant to NYC and Philly.

    @Kelly: Thanks for the encouragement! I'm digging in and making the best of it that I can. Just hoping something pans out sometime soon! šŸ™‚

    REG -- 77 (11/12)
    AUD -- 77 (2/13)
    BEC -- 89 (4/13)
    FAR -- 91 (10/13)

    Roger CPA, Wiley


    So, I'm kicking this up to the top to offer a little update. A couple weeks back, I interviewed for a position in corporate accounting, compromised a number of my expectations, and, last week, received notice of an offer. Sadly, there's not a single CPA in the office, so I guess that means that I'll be treading water if (when) I pass the exam (I do intend to take it while working there just to get it out of the way). But, as I look at it, I'm taking this position for experience, even if not to fulfill the experience requirement (and, further, it sure as heck isn't for the money!). I hope this all works out!

    Now back to the books. REG is a week and four days away! Yikes!!

    REG -- 77 (11/12)
    AUD -- 77 (2/13)
    BEC -- 89 (4/13)
    FAR -- 91 (10/13)

    Roger CPA, Wiley

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