Career Advice please!

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  • #1764713

    My situation is the following: I have passed AUD, BEC, and REG. I re-took FAR on Monday and expect a passing score. I am currently taking some online college classes to complete the CA educational requirements.

    I am currently unemployed. My career history is somewhat spotty, lots of short-term accounting clerk positions, some temp, some not. I lost my last job when my driver’s license was suspended for a year due to a DUI. It was a huge mistake that I regret to this day and have since then changed my ways.

    I live in a small California town and there aren’t many CPAs here, I will likely have to relocate to find a job that will give me the necessary experience for CPA licensure. San Diego is the nearest big city.

    My concern is this: what do I do now? Wait until I complete my classes and receive my score to start applying to firms? Just start contacting firms and inquiring if they are hiring or need help? My job-hopping and conviction have both been issues I’ve dealt with in interviews before and I’m worried they will keep me from moving on with my career.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

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  • Author
  • #1764887

    I lost my job at a sweet firm December 2016 due to behavior and corporate culture reasons, then went on to pass each part 1 by 1 in 2017, passing the last part in December 2017… For this, I feel like you are in a spot I can somewhat relate.

    I did a but of googling, hopefully this link above may help you.

    I am currently working a govt. job and TRYING to push through while waiting for opportunities in public firms to be available… which is really hard.

    Once you pass FAR, it should be a bit easier because you will not be as occupied and will have more attention to focus on your career. It is good you are taking the classes, but after passing FAR is when you should start. Employers will definitely take you more seriously when you've passed all 4 parts.

    Good Luck.


    I think you might be better off going after these jobs after passing FAR.

    I know that you'll need to work on explaining both the DUI and employment past to firms. Practice on the interview questions beforehand. Work on coming up with good explanations on both. See if you can make an appointment for a mock interview at a local school/career center.

    But since you've gotten three sections passed and turned over a new life, I think you'll find the right place.


    A Dui should have no effect on your employment unless you do not disclose it, nobody cares lots of CPAs have them..inclduing myself

    The only crimes they care about are financial ones.

    PAssing the exams means very little, you need experience and the ability to do the job and talk the talk. CPA firms are incredibly difficult to get into outside of recruiting.

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