Career advice needed about Big 4

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  • #1664332

    I just received job offer with EY to start in January as part of their assurance team. I am torn about accepting the offer because I have been with my current firm since college. I love the people I work with and the managing partner of the firm has taken the time to get to know me personally which I think is hard to find these days. I know EY will look very good on my resume but I am nervous to burn a bridge with my current employer and I am nervous about the amount of hours I would be working with EY.

    Can anyone lend advice on what they would do in this situation? Is having big 4 experience overrated?

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  • #1664353

    As A former EYer, right off the bat I’d say stay put. EY and PWC lead the pack in audit/tax and thus have endless work. The hours will suck. Turnover is high and you will be disappointed in your bonus. I wouldn’t mess up a good thing for a slight raise. You can always go to Big4 down the line. Good luck!


    Why did you apply to EY if you didn’t want to leave your job?

    Yes the hours may suck, but you had a reason for applying, and interviewing.

    It’s always nerve racking when we experience change. I would think about the reasons you applied to another job and why you applied to EY. You don’t want to pass up this opportunity only to regret it in 6 months. Good luck!


    I say explain to your boss that you're leaving and take the opportunity at EY. Any good boss will be happy for you. Executives move around all the times as opportunities arise.

    The experience will be worthwhile, and if after a year or so and you hate it, you can go back to the smaller firm.


    I would look to why you applied to begin with and what interested you from EY. I have been trying to get into a public accounting firm since I have graduated (if you or anyone have any advice for me please let me know). It could be a great opportunity for you to be with EY but maybe you can talk with your supervisor to see where your future can go with the firm you are currently with. Hope this helps. Like I mentioned earlier I have been trying to get into public accounting but no luck, so I am not sure if the environment is any different.

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