Career Advice - Page 3

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  • #176461

    Hi guys. I am not trying to complain here, I just REALLY need a good advice. I am in my third year in a big 4 firm in US as a tax accountant and I have just got my CPA license. The thing is that I hate accounting (at least what I see right now) with all my guts. This job is absolutely not worth the money considering the hours you put in. But what’s worse, this job is so extremely dull and meaningless. You do not add any value to anything. You spend 12 hours a day on average in a cubicle and you cannot even see the results of your labor. You become very proficient in Excel but you do not acquire any skills otherwise useful in the real life. I am not even sure that you can call yourself a CPA doing this shit. I mean, can you really consult people about entity structure, taxes and credits, prepare reviews, compilations, and financial statements when you are stuck in one group that does just one of those roles and you have no slightest idea about anything else? When I look at the managers and partners, I see miserable human beings. They have no life and no knowledge of any subject besides their tax or audit specialty. You cannot have a conversation with any of these people that go beyond the imaginary world of accounting. They remind me of ants that sacrifice their lives for the better of the colony. I like to have some time for myself, to read the news, work out, go out, just live my life and do the things I like. I don’t want my life to become my job, especially as shitty as this one. I hate every minute of it and do not want to stay for this pathetic joke of a career.

    But what scares me is what if all the accounting related jobs are just like that? Does anyone have a success exit story? Is anyone using the CPA license and having an interesting and meaningful job? Please share your thoughts on this. I would really appreciate any word of advice.

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  • Author
  • #409782

    No I'm not in law school I declined all offers. It was a hard choice but after doing some research it was probably for the best. There are no prerequisite for law school. Any 4 yr degree will get you in. People who say they are “pre law” are just trying to sound impressive.


    ^yea i feel you…i guess u can say i was “premed,” majored in neuroscience.

    what is your plan now if u dont mind me asking, i can't tell from your posts if you've switched over to accounting or are trying to get a consulting job, or trying to do accounting for now and then consulting,

    i ask because our career paths seem somewhat similar, where we changed our minds….


    I'm in public accounting. I would like to work as a business consultant. Especially to well backed start ups


    Account_Ant, there's nothing wrong with not being interested in accounting. I'm not interested in it either, really. I like my job because my coworkers are cool and the flexibility for me to come and go is nice and there's variety where I work (because I went with a very small firm). The only thing I can tell you is to just change your situation. Wallowing in misery (no offense because we've all been there!) isn't going to do you any good. Make plans and take meaningful steps now to change course and you'll be a lot better off down the road. What's that saying about in a year from now, you'll wish you'd started today or something. So true. Don't let others convince you of what you should/shouldn't do. Just do what makes you happy, whether it being staying in a job that sucks because the steady paycheck is better than the unknown, or putting in your notice tomorrow and starting over. Do what's best for yourself.

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    Working for the Big 4 is like playing in the NFL for accounting…However, I've always thought that there is no need to stay there for longer than 2 yrs…I love accounting, but I dislike the majority of accountants..Just like Mr. Ant mentions, all they wanna talk about is accounting or football….even when they're not working…Of course my A71 buddies are exceptions 😉

    CPA for life...

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