Burning out in public

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  • #1589399

    I’ve been working in public accounting (tax) for about eight years. I’m starting to feel like I’m burning out again and I don’t know how to cope with it. I like the work I do and I’ve tried private and hated it (work wasn’t exciting and I was bored a lot) so I think public accounting will be where I spend my career. However, I’m constantly frustrated at work with some of my peers and the quality of the work they give me to review. I’ve been told that I have too high of expectations of staff and should lower them because no one will ever be able to meet them. How does everyone deal with their frustrations? I feel like I’m always venting/complaining to friends I am close with and I don’t want that to continue but I don’t know how best to deal with my frustrations. I don’t want to be that awful, complaining coworker and I don’t want to stop doing the work that I am doing but I can’t seem to figure how to make my environment a happier/healthier one for me. Any advice?

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  • Author
  • #1589445

    Move to a different firm and start over, would seem a sensible solution.

    I applaud you or anyone who can do 8 years in public. I could never do that. I wouldn't last a year there, which is why I'm in private and will probably stay there unless by chance some public firm offers me a job but I don't see that ever happening. I've worked in too many companies where Big 4 was hanging around doing their audits and I know how stressed they are. Every day is a deadline. Pay may be good but I'd rather take low pay and have my sanity than huge bucks and benefits and be on the verge of a mental/emotional implosion.


    I agree with crazyleon about finding a new firm if you want to stay in public accounting. Nothing in your post screams that you hate public as much as the atmosphere that has been created at your firm. Just an aside – are you sure that you are not being too critical on you expectations? Are the things you are requesting adding value and saving time or perhaps standard procedures that are being missed by messiness? If you are just having people change things and spend time on minor additions because it is your preference than I can see why there would be cause for some criticism; however not saying you are entirely wrong.

    Additionally if you are ready for a switch I would look into a more consulting type role/firm. I am with you on private industry accounting (I am in audit). I think if you are a manager you can probably find some roles that are a mix of operations rather than tax/accounting and that seems like it would be less monotonous.

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