Boring Job-Advice - Page 2

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  • #162140

    I think I have the most boring job in the world. My tittle-staff accountant. I do nothing all day, but just google anything that comes to mind or cpanet or another71. I’ve tried studying here, but I need total silence when I study and there is always noise in this place. The pay is great for me (around $20/hr-$1500 per hour “actually” worked), a 23 year old. I go to my boss, he never has anything for me to do. I go to my coworkers to help them, they have nothing either. I get something, I get it done in 1 hour. Sometimes I wish they would tell me that they no longer need my services, but I know it’s not going to happen. It seems like there is something not right here, office doors always closed, an audit that takes 4 weeks, people always in a bad mood. I feel so useless and think this will not help my accounting career in the future. I had offers from PA firms after I started working here, but I actually had something to do the first 2 months so I did not even reply. Any advice or words of wisdom? Thanks.

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  • #303353

    @markiux88 — you described what i do all day at work but the only difference is i wasn't offered anything from a public firm and i am only part time which is not all that bad because i get more time to study for the CPA and still make a little bit of money to get by … the best part is i can market this experience as a full time position if ever questioned about it but unfortunately i am not being called for any interviews with potential employers


    Take the time you're wasting at work to look for another job if you're so unhappy with the one you have now. This post sounds more to me like bragging – “Look I'm making all this money for 0 work. Woe is me.”

    In the real world when you complain about a job that's too good to be true, you get fired.


    @IamBlessed….what are you going to write for your job description?? Extensive research skills via Google…hahaha..

    I'm gonna start sending my resume to PA firms again. I just took a list of the tasks that I'm supposed to do and put it on my resume even if I only do 1 or 2 of the 20…when r u taking the exam?


    lol @ your original post markiux. I had such a job for a few years. I just started as a staff auditor and I miss it already. The fact of the matter is that 50% of the jobs out there will have you doing nothing for hours & hours on end. I understand you are driven but at my last job I had to really tone it down. If i was given something to do I just paced my self. I hated doing that but thats the environment you are in. If you continue to be driven I am sure you will find a job one day where an hour of free time will be cheerished. My only regret is that I started to focus on the cpa in the last part of my time at that job. So I was able to pass two parts with plenty of study hours. Now I cannot find time to study as much. Moral of the story make hay while the sun shines…lol


    P.S my manager and senior worked late lastnight and arent at work yet… how else would I find time to post on another71….oh how do i miss those days of googling anything and everything that came to mind…


    @markiux88 — naww im more of a yahoo guy … im so glad i found another71 yesterday at work now i have something to do at work other than checkc my email 15x a day

    I am taking BEC Tommorow :/ …. after i get done a few things that need to be done ill be studying on the clock 😀 … When is your exam?

    How many people on here have passed any section of the exam on their first try? The first time i took a cpa exam i had gotten a 74 in regulation … i was so pissed because i could have gotten that one lousy point i needed but due to my inexperience i didnt practice the simulations


    @IamBlessed….Im taking it probably in February cuz I'm taking BUL II this semester..I've started to study cuz I don't want to be all stressed out a month before….But Dec, Jan, and Feb will be endless nights for sure….:'(….By this time next year I will have passed all 4 sections….


    i am still at work… lets trade…aarggh

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