Big 4 -> Small firm -> Big 4 again?

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  • #197136

    So this is my story:

    Almost a year ago i started working in tax at PwC and stayed for about 7 months until i pretty much became fed up

    with the people i was reporting to, the micromanaging, the lack of work life balance, and the nature of the work itself.

    I got a job at a new firm, a total of 20 people, my boss is very understanding, I have good work life balance

    and when i have work to do, its actually the type of tax work i enjoy. Plus my commute is alot easier now and no one

    micromanages me.

    Overall I cant complain about my new job but sometimes i wonder if i left big 4 too soon. Sometimes I get bored at my new job since I’m not always busy, and I can’t help but wonder what my future prospects are at this firm.

    Anyway, I applied to a job in tax at EY in the particular group that I am interested in, back when I was applying for jobs.

    Now, months later, I get a call from a recruiter saying shes interested in my resume and wants to move forward with the application process. She said they are very eager to fill this post and its been open for a while, so I’m not sure if thats a good sign. I’ve been trying to weigh the pros and cons; should I move forward with the application process?

    Pros : name recognition, greater potential for salary increases, bigger opportunities to learn and grow in tax

    cons : possibility of being in the same situation as I was in PwC – micromanaging, terrible hours, etc., my commute

    will be longer too

    Help, please?

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