Anxious about first entry level job, advice please - Page 2

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  • #173777

    Hi guys, I graduated in May and began studying for the CPA exam this summer. I managed to fail AUD and am retaking it in October and took BEC recently, (no score yet but expecting something bad) Anyways, I start my first ever accounting job next month at a fairly large mid size cpa firm in NYC and will be commuting from home on Long Island.

    I am starting to really freak out. I just recently was emailed my benefits package and employee manual. It hit me that I am really going to be working full time now and college life is over. I was having a panic attack and havent been able to sleep well. The thoughts of summer vacations and Christmas breaks never happening anymore have begun to scare me. I just started to feel things were moving way too fast.

    In addition, I have no idea what to expect. I have never done an audit in my life before, the only audit experience I have is the 2 courses I took in college, and I have NEVER done a tax return in my entire life, only looking at one and doing a some research in my tax class in college.

    I am afraid my peers who have experience in accounting will have an advantage and that I will be left in the dust to fend for myself. I heard in general that formal trainings are nothing like the real thing.

    I guess what I’m trying to find out is, what will I realistically be doing my first year with the firm? (Specifically) What can they expect me to know and know how to do.

    Thanks in advance guys. Just been very anxious, I tend to be anxious in general trying to break the bad habit.

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  • #376607

    Keely, I really appreciate what you said. I feel like I'm in exactly your shoes. Thank you, sincerely for the advice!


    @DavidB: You're welcome! I'm glad you understood where I was coming from. Good luck on your first job, keep us posted and let us know how it goes!

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    “”I have already cried a few times because I am so depressed about having to be somewhere 8 hours a day five days a week (and more during busy season).”

    “I really don't know what all the fuss is about over my comment.”

    @Keely: It's really not a big deal at all, you just phrased your thoughts in an emotionally funny (and personable!) way – and it came across sort of humerous to those of us who've worked 40-50 hour weeks every summer since highschool. Also, my masters program was a much bigger daily commitment than that.

    I imagine it was also probably humerous to those who are currently in the workforce who've gone through a busy season or two or work more than that year-round. No biggie.

    I'll be starting my job very soon, and am worried too – but for different reasons. Good luck to everybody and thanks for the tips!

    REG - Passed!!
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed

    Study Materials: Becker basic course


    Good Luck David! Don't worry !!

    I am sure you will be fine! ENJOY your first day!


    The nervousness that you are feeling is completely normal. I have had 3 internships/ temporary positions, and have been nervous each and every time. I will be starting my first full-time job in public accounting in a couple of weeks, and I am nervous about that as well. Just remember that the people that hired you know what experience you have, and they chose to hire you over others. When you start, be friendly and confident. If you don't know how to do something, ask questions. I remember when I did my internship in public accounting and the new full-time hire (who had interned with the firm a year earlier) asked what they were expected to know. The manager told them that they were not expected to know anything. Just know that the people who had internships, did them over a year ago, and probably don't remember too much of what they did. Interns are also given plenty of leeway, and very little actual responsibility. I am no trying to make you nervous about “all the responsibility” you will have as a first-year, but to point out that it will be a big change for most of them as well.

    Good luck to you.

    FAR - 91
    AUD - 97
    REG - 10/2
    BEC - 11/10

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