Advice Needed

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  • #178942

    A good friend want to offer me a job in a non accounting role for just $9/hr @ 25hr/week the role is not a difficult one but I feel like it will affect my studies which I have targeted to complete by end of 2013 . Even though I am currently not working I want to focus on the exams before I start looking for any job especially if it is not an accounting related role since blending job with studying is very difficult.But the other side of me tells me that I could make some few bucks . If you were confronted will this dilemma what will be your thought……..

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  • #427258

    I never think it's a bad thing to work. Plenty of people work while they're in school/studying, and research suggests that working actual improves test scores and school performance.

    NY CPA


    Working also improves your resume. I would take the job. It says a lot to a future employer if you're willing to work a (presumably low-level) job just to be working…and makes it easier to get hired, since they see you are willing to work hard.

    Also, you should be able to still meet your study goals while working 25 hours/week. Look at it this way… If you sleep 8 hrs/day, then you have 112 waking hours throughout the week. If you work 25, you still have 87 left. You can eat, shower, and play in 47 hours and still have 40 hours left to effectively work full-time on studying!


    Thanks Elisabeth for your thoughts but will your or any member on this forum opinion change with this bare facts the Job is Associate at Home depot and my good friend is the Store Manager who is looking for committed people for the store. Not an account related job and will have zero impact on my dream job of accounting and experience but the BUCKS and study time lost is my concern……. any new thoughts … I need to provide a feedback to him by tomorrow……


    Studying for the CPA doesn't require full-time studying. How do people do it with a FT job then? You will only be working part-time, so the rest of the day is all yours for studying. You cannot stay home studying all day, either.

    Further, try to look for an accounting related position while at it. Why not look for one now?


    I would still say get the work experience! The job may not relate to accounting, but it relates to working. While I was in college, I scrubbed dishes in a cafeteria and rang up groceries in a store…neither one has anything to do with accounting, but they demonstrated that I could and was willing to work, show up on time, not steal from employers, etc., all of which helped me to get to eventually working in accounting. I went from the grocery store to a bank, then graduated while at the bank, and then got a job for an accountant who used to be a banker. If I hadn't worked at the grocery store as a cashier, I wouldn't have been able to work at the bank as a teller…and if I hadn't worked anywhere at all, I don't think my accounting-boss would've given me a second look.

    But like JMadsen said, still keep your eyes open for other opportunities. Perhaps ask your friend how long of a commitment he's looking for…like, if you promise to give it your all while you're at the store, is that sufficient, or (due to your friendship) is he expecting you to stay at least a certain length of time? As an associate in retail, the company is lucky if you stay a few months, let alone anything longer! So, if it weren't for the friend-commitment, I'd say to not worry one bit about leaving after a short time if an accounting position opened up. However, given that the store is run by a friend of yours, you might just tell him that honestly, your goal is to work in accounting, and if a position came up to do so, you'd have to take it…but that if that's OK with him, you'd like to still come to work for awhile.

    Assuming he's OK/your friendship is OK with the possibility that your time at Home Depot would be short, I would say take the job and make the most of it. Work is a good break from studying, and studying a good break from work. I am working close to full-time (34-40 hours depending on the week) and aim to complete my exams in the same length of time as you are aiming for…so working 25 hours you should definitely be able to keep on target for your exams. Like I laid out in my last post, you still will have plenty of time to study and do the incidental stuff in life. You won't have a full 2 days off for a weekend every week…but that comes with the territory. If you took a poll of the members of this forum, only a very very small minority would have 2 days work and study-free every week, and a large number wouldn't even have one. Completing this exam requires making sacrifices, but work experience is *not* something I would sacrifice.


    I work full time and have passed 3 of the 4 exams so far with my last a week on Thursday. I am able to work from 8-5, spend 1-2 hours at the gym and still get 3-4 hours of study time done a day with 6-8 hours on Saturday and Sunday. I don't have kids or any commitments and my wife studies in the evenings too so it all depends on what kind of person you are. If you can go home and hit the books after a day at work with no interruptions then go for it, but if you need time to relax during the day or if you have constant interruptions at home then maybe not. It's a personal call but it can definitely be done, especially only working 25 hours per week.

    FAR - 95
    REG - 93
    AUD - 91
    BEC - 85


    If the additional income would improve your quality of life, take it. It is not necessary to be unemployed to sit for the CPA exam, and in fact I would contend that some but not all people who claim to be studying full time are not really putting in many more hours than those who work full time and study part time.

    If you honestly think you'd be getting QUALITY 8-10 hours per days of studying then that's different. But I don't think many really do.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I look at it like a cost-benefit problem.

    If the $9 an hour is going to really help your finances and won't mess your exam timeline, then do it.

    But if you are on a strictly imposed timeline to get your tests passed (as I am) and the money isn't going to make much difference, skip it. Home Depot won't do anything to your resume that can't be made up elsewhere. (school activities, volunteering, GPA, cpa exams, internships, etc.)

    Granted, if you have never had a job in your life, it probably would be a good idea to have one on your resume before you start applying with firms. It's quite a gamble bringing on fresh grads to begin with, but one entirely devoid of any work experience is probably the biggest gamble of all.


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