Career Dilemma – Advice Needed

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  • #179102

    All right, my situation is a bit complicated. I currently employed and the pay is okay and the environment is okay, but honestly, I dislike what I do and plan to transfer to a more accounting-related position under someone who is a CPA in 8 months (for this company you have to wait a year before transferring and I am right now at 4 months). That might still be my plan, but just recently, I was contacted by an acquaintance at the university I attended and was informed that there will be an opening coming up in their payroll department, and there is a CPA supervisor in that department. Eventually I want to leave my current position for 2 reasons: I honestly dislike my current position and I seek to be under a CPA to be able to get the work experience requirement. But, with the recent knowledge of the position that will open up at the university that I attended (although the job is still not posted yet), for that specific position, there is a third reason. I really like this girl and she is still a student there and her hometown is fairly close to there as well, and that is the third reason besides the other ones already mentioned.

    I am just wondering, is this opportunity worth pursuing? Although she (acquaintance at the university) did inform me that work experience is not necessarily required, it seems that there is no guarantee that I will get the job if I go for it. Also, if I mysteriously leave for an interview, that could look bad for me at the current company. I mean, I do want to leave my current position anyways, but is this opportunity worth taking a shot? Comments, suggestions?

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  • #428168

    1.) The girl shouldn't be in the equation at all. Period. Sorry, but IMO this is a middle schoolism type reason.

    2.) when you say transfer to an accounting related position at your current firm, what do you mean?

    3.) If you feel like it, just go ahead and interview. Schedule a personal day to “run errands” and go interview. Worst case scenario the position is crap, but at least you've sharpened your interview skills a bit.

    4.) Comfused about your current level. Are you still in school? Recent grad? Bachelor/Masters level? What are your goals for your career?

    Mayo, BBA, Macc


    1.) Fair enough.

    2.) Currently, the department I am in, and subsequently my tasks and responsibilities, aren't really accounting-related. In fact, I'm not sure why an accounting degree is required for my current position. I honestly think that with proper training, an individual with a liberal arts degree can perform just as well at my job.

    3.) LOL “schedule a personal day to “run errands” and go interview.” The position hasn't been posted yet but this sounds like good advice should the time come.

    4.) I am a recent graduate with my B.S. in accounting and have met the 150 hour-requirement. My short-term goals are to pass the CPA exam, get the work experience to be licensed, and find a position more related to my degree.


    2.) yah, sounds like it might not be the best fit for you.

    Taking into account your answer to #4, I'd say that your best bet is to be a superstar at your current position, actively network, and lateral into the accounting position after a year. Passing the CPA exam would be a huge help in this endeavor.

    In terms of networking, besides interacting with people at your firm, maybe try and get to know the people in the accounting department? Is there someone you know in that dept that is at your level or close (I.e. recent grad)? If so, as you get closer to the year mark, tell him/her you'd be interested in asking some questions about their department. That way you can get some info, and you get your name out there for consideration after an acceptable time frame (9.5 months to a year).

    I think the main thing to consider is if your company truly has the track record or the growth for the type of internal transfer you're looking for. If not, it might be worth it to consider other options. If yes, then just try your hardest and really try and be a rock star.

    Mayo, BBA, Macc


    When you mentioned “try and get to know the people in the accounting department,” do you mean the accounting department at where I am currently? Funny story, when I was still looking for jobs (before being hired), I really wanted this auditor position at the corporate audit division of the parent company of where I am at now. At the time, I was offered my current position before I had my interview for the position at corporate audit, so I chose the safer route and just accepted the offer. I then informed the supervisor at corporate audit of this situation and said I hope we can work together someday (I really do hope we can work together someday), and it seems that the interest is mutual. Had I not accepted my current position and gone to the interview for the one at corporate audit, I probably would have gotten it, but of course hindsight is 20/20.

    And at where I am now, as well as our parent company, people switching positions do occur. It is expected that you will probably get tired of something after a while and want to try something else (except unfortunately for me, I haven't hit that 1 year mark yet so I can't transfer yet).


    Just be patient and put in the hard work now. Also, continue to cultivate those inter-company relationships. A position in industry for a growing company can be just as good as any other accounting position if the person is ambitious and has a good head on their shoulders.

    Also, if you feel like you can handle the work load and if you think it's appropriate, I would consider offering to help on any new projects the accounting department has.

    Shoot, a simple, “hey I usually work only 40 hrs a week, let me know if you need any extra bodies for month/quarter/year end close” can go a long way. If something major, like a stock offering, acquisition, etc. happens, they might really appreciate the effort.

    Good luck! I hope other people can provide some input.

    Mayo, BBA, Macc

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