Accounting firms that pay overtime? - Page 2

  • Creator
  • #162229

    I know Big 4 only pays salary, but how about the other “Big 8” firms or national firms (BDO, Grant Thorton Armanino McKenna)?

    Or, for those of you living in California, are you familiar with any regional size firms that pay overtime?

    A CPA classmate of mine worked for a regional firm in San Francisco and said he gets about an extra $10-15k/year for his overtime work. If you get paid overtime, does it mean you are on an hourly wage instead of salary? I guess if overtime implies hourly wage, I guess there could be a downside to earning an hourly wage — perhaps in the summer when the workload isn’t busy.

    I vaguely remember someone telling me Armanino McKenna pays overtime, too. Can anyone confirm?

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  • Author
  • #426234

    Novogradac, a specialized firm that's kind of nationwide does pay OT. I think they're primarily west coast but they're expanding.

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