Accounting careers and poor performance reviews - Page 6

  • This topic has 94 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #1479210

    Curious what you guys think about working in the accounting industry and receiving poor performance reviews?

    Regardless how hard you work, most firms will give you a poor performance review and focus on the areas you didn’t do well rather than praise you for what you did right.

    What are your ideas and theories on why many companies do this and do you agree/disagree with this practice? I have my ideas, curious about yours.

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  • #1479919

    @kalikingz I would like to think we are having a discussion about accounting careers but instead it appears to have devolved to boxed in accountants feeling defensive. They choose to not recognize that being boxed in and trained like a robot is not how great leadership skills for higher level positions are developed. Perhaps at some firms that is preferred but again that is not ideal to develop leadership qualities. Just obedient robots.


    @brickellcpa I hope you actually do go back and read your responses to others. How is that every post you end up calling everyone a bunch of boxed in accountants or some other names.

    At some point you have to take a step back and wonder if its really others on the forum or maybe its you that cant seem to carry on a discussion.

    In the words of my favorite TV character Raylan Givens “You run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. You run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.”

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    I can say the same for others. If someone is going to ask questions and then become offended at the response and focus on what they are offended about instead of building on the discussion, that only proves my point that those type of people are entitled and incapable of taking criticism and have been babied throughout their career.


    How can you say the same for others? You are the only person on this thread whose had several people say your comments make you sound like an asshole. I don't give two shits about the way you've been groomed. That's great for you. You have added no value to this forum with this thread and all you have done is insult people that don't agree with your perspective.


    “They choose to not recognize that being boxed in and trained like a robot is not how great leadership skills for higher level positions are developed. Perhaps at some firms that is preferred but again that is not ideal to develop leadership qualities. Just obedient robots.”

    Have you stopped and thought that “They” don't give a shit about developing leadership skills for higher level positions?

    I used to look down upon “steady eddies”, people that showed up at 9 left exactly at 5. People that didn't want to learn anything new or take on new responsibilities, etc. And at some point, I realized that I was a complete asshole for looking down on these people. Who am I to expect them to have the ambition that I have? What makes my view on career progression right and theirs wrong?

    Not everyone is like you. Not everyone is like me. Guess what? That's okay. So don't push your mightier than thou bullshit onto people that don't give a fuck. Next time someone posts something along the line of “What does it take to make a good leader” share your experience there. But don't ever say there your way is the best way.


    I am not being insulting. I am providing details about my experience and responding to your posts and questions because clearly you are interested in what I have to say. Of course my perspective will make me the odd man out because, well, I haven't received the same basic training as the majority of others. Others have not yet transcended out of the confinement of subservient staff work vs higher level managerial training. I have graciously explained to you all my reasoning regarding the use of performance review and the difference in training people receive, yet you continue to deny it and focus on why you are offended. Think about that for a second and let it sink in.


    “Others have not yet transcended out of the confinement of subservient staff work vs higher level managerial training.”

    There you go again. Do you actually read comments before you respond to them? Do you read for sake of responding or actually absorbing what is said?

    “yet you continue to deny it and focus on why you are offended”

    -What am I offended by?

    Your training = Superior Leadership Skills
    Everyone else's training = inferior to your training. Everyone else is trained to be robots.

    Is this your point?



    Everything that needed to be said has been said. This discussion is now derailed because people have taken offense and cannot accept the truth of the matter which I've taken the time to respectfully explain to you guys. And instead of thanking me for this realization, you continue to attack me for helping you realize the truth.

    I am not going to post any longer since the topic has now devolved and is no longer fruitful for information.


    Actually, you are the only person that cannot accept the truth. In your world, your shitty treatment has made you Management Material. Well, guess what? Your experience isn't universal, your experience isn't the norm. How about you realize that truth.


    You should transition into Politics. Especially the current Administration as you dodge questions better than Kellyanne Conway.


    “I'm just here for the comments”


    Read up a bit on psychological conditioning. It may help you better understand that managing people and developing their skills is a lot more scientific than you might think. I acknowledge not all firms give their employees specialized training, but the bottom line of this thread is that poor performance reviews can be used as a tool to help build a more capable leader.

    If one person has an average work ethic and average marketability vs a person who has a strong work ethic and is highly marketable, it is very much possible that the person with the stronger work ethic will receive a poorer performance review in order to further develop their skills as a leader vs the average person who is basically being coddled along as a backup.


    it is very much possible that the person with the stronger work ethic will receive a poorer performance review in order to further develop their skills as a leader vs the average person who is basically being coddled along as a backup.

    LMAO.I am at a loss for words.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    @brickell cpa is this the same firm that one of the partners walked in with a black eye and was promoting cash deals and under the table payments that you posted about previously?

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