Accountant making 100K? - Page 3

  • Creator
  • #199746

    I am wondering how many people in the accounting profession make 100K +

    If you are one of those can you say how long it took you and whats your area of expertise please.

    Thank you

    Be merciful my Lord!

    BEC - PASSED, Thank you LORD!
    AUD - PASSED, LORD! you are able!
    REG - 06/10/2016 - I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!
    FAR - 08/21/2016

    You only fail when you stop TRYING!!
    This will be the year!!
    All the glory to you, LORD

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  • Author
  • #756230

    took me about 15 years, but i took the non-traditional route and happened into accounting with a management degree.

    started as a project accountant – but i would say accountant loosely as it didn't really apply to hard-core accounting – i tracked costs for EPA superfund sites. i had no concept of most of the “real” accounting rules.

    5 years later moved into a more traditional accounting role with a large company. learned a ton of accounting through experience. then went back to school after another 5 years for the degree/courses to sit for the CPA. a lot of what i learned in the classes i already knew from experience (somewhat backwards) – but solidified a lot of concepts and filled gaps.

    moved to another company 5 years after the previous company and had a family (hiccup in the CPA plans). wife just gave me “permission” last year to study/sit as was a good time with the kids. just got a promotion putting me over the $100k mark late last year which really wouldn't have been given to me without the understanding that i will get my cpa (and was half-way through at the time). I am the only person at a manager level or above in a large finance department who does not have a cpa. i think i was lucky, and was told a few years ago by a VP that the way to move up was to get a master's degree or cpa. most folks even at non-manager level have a cpa or are working toward one.

    if i had it to do all over again i would have gone the accounting route in and straight out of school and would've tried to go into public accounting. live and learn i guess – I'm happy where i am…but took awhile. man i was clueless originally coming out of school.

    FAR - 87 (5/15)
    AUD - 93 (8/15)
    REG - 86 (2/16)
    BEC - 87 (5/16)


    @Mole351 – excellent comment. Those kind of posts give me life.
    I am going to work my tail off learn as much as I can and who knows maybe in 5 years or less i will be so valuable and dependable that I will have that type of offer 🙂
    Thank you for that awesome post

    Be merciful my Lord!

    BEC - PASSED, Thank you LORD!
    AUD - PASSED, LORD! you are able!
    REG - 06/10/2016 - I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!
    FAR - 08/21/2016

    You only fail when you stop TRYING!!
    This will be the year!!
    All the glory to you, LORD

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