2nd Bachelors in Accounting - Page 2

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  • #203474

    I am 33 living in Miami with a BA in Public Administration.

    Almost all of my work experience is Accounting/Budget/Administrative related and currently making $23/hour working in a public college. I enjoy working with numbers, budgets, forecasting, variances, reconciliations and the individualistic/detail oriented side part of my working experience. I would love to continue learning and moving up within an Accounting/Budgeting related role however, almost all positions at the next level up are asking for BA in Accounting. I have applied only within public and large private but, the only responses I’ve received are to ask if I have any credits in Accounting.

    Some people have suggested going for an MBA however, the cost is considerably high in comparison to a BA in Accounting and MAcc programs in Florida require a Business related degree. In addition, I’m not very interested in management.

    I’m trying to decide what method to take.

    Would a 2nd BA in Accounting be a good idea and would the pay after graduation be near what I am currently making?

    Please provide any feedback, opinions and/or real life experiences.

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  • Author
  • #2424231

    Many universities offer a Certificate of Accounting that is not as rigorous as a masters program, but is equivalent to the undergraduate major requirements. I would look into that.


    Oh and a MAcc 100% does put you in position to get paid more. Public accounting firms offer a couple thousand more for associates and many companies prefer or require a grad degree if you don’t have a cpa. I have a MAcc and it has certainly afforded me much more money and opportunities. Without a CPA you likely have issues getting a manager or above job without a MAcc. Manager is certainly attainable, but controller or director level positions will be tough to get without a cpa or masters.

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