When is it acceptable to quit public accounting? - Page 2

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  • #181009

    When’s an acceptable time of year to quit public accounting? It’s obviously frowned upon closer towards busy season. So what’s the latest you can quit without it being considered a dick move?

    FAR 71, (waiting on score from 10/3)
    BEC 84
    AUD 77
    REG 80

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  • #458451

    When you leave really has a few basic points to consider. Depending on your managers, they may not be happy no matter how peacefully you leave (i.e. how convenient it is for your engagements). Just do your best and give 2 weeks notice, and let your key managers/seniors know (those who will be impacted over the next month or so) and let the ones you are closer to know as well. ONLY tell people after you have been fully accepted at your new job (background check has gone through, you have a start date, signed offer, etc).

    Beyond that, the “ideal” time is any time except busy season. You don't want to leave work hanging in the balance.

    Everything I said so far is obvious, but nothing is ever perfect. Leaving during busy season is “frowned upon”, but again another time of the year may be as well depending on how vindictive your teams are.

    To answer your question directly: any time before or after busy season is reasonable.

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