When do big 4 hire experienced associates

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  • #1304662

    Hi, I go to big 4 career websites everyday. Now it is October and I have not seen them hire any experienced associates since August. Isn’t Sep or Oct the time to hire experienced positions for next year? When is the time?

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  • #1304712

    I was hired at the end of October with an early November start date. As far as I now they do experienced hires year round.


    They hire experienced candidates when they need them. Depending on your experience the demand could be seasonal or throughout the year.


    The nearest two offices have not had experienced tax positions for at least half a year


    To my knowledge it is all year around I had a friend who was referred by an associate at PWC and got his resume in front of a manager last November and he then started the following month in December. Also note for experience hires its not always going to be posted on the website if you can connect with someone manager/HR on linkedin or if you know someone that works there reach out to them and try to get your resume to a manager.


    I do know a hiring manager. She reviewed my resume in June and forwarded it to partner. However, the partner thought I did not have specific industry experience and did not give me second round interview. She said she would contact me if a job opening is available. This month I just get my CPA license. Do you think I should reach out to her again.


    If the feedback you got is that you don't have enough experience to be considered as an experienced hire then you need to be lookin at entry level positions. Instead of asking for experienced hire roles when you reach out ask about the entry level roles.


    I have one year real estate tax experience. The position I applied for is experienced tax associate-Personal financial services. The partner thought I h=did not have much personal financial experience and thus did not select me


    Maybe have your friend send the resume to HR instead of the specific partner since he is looking for people with experience in Personal Financial Services. That way HR can give you feedback on which tax practice aligns with your experience and try to get your resume with someone in that practice.

    They do hire year round as someone noted above. I was hired at Deloitte in April as an experienced hire. They don't always post the positions open.


    It is the HR who forwarded my resume to partner for a second round interview. Did you apply online? I find it difficult to find a regional hiring manager on Linkedin as each practice has individual HR.


    Big4s are laying pretty significant numbers of people off at the moment. Doubt they are looking to hire lots of experienced folks, unless a specific group has a need for more people.

    AUD - passed
    REG - passed
    BEC - passed
    FAR - passed

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