Update to my recent update: not happy with the Big 4 offer - Page 3

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  • #186038

    So…the offer just came in and it’s a 12% gross decrease from my current salary! I know I have no audit experience, but I thought the fact that my CPA license is pending (any day now) would count for something.

    I just bought a home with my husband back in November and as the one making the most (as of now anyway), we cannot financially take a 12% hit to my income. I would like to counter to a 5% decrease in my current gross pay. That’s the lowest I think we can handle.

    I’m kinda freaking out here…What do you guys think??

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  • #560160




    Lol. Big 4 offer sticker shock. Classic!

    Glad to hear it worked out. The $5k bonus should mostly bridge the gap. In reality, you're taking a very small annual pay cut, but will likely make it up in fall 2015 if you get a standard +/- 5% raise.

    Good luck on the new journey, and look forward to all the griping about pay with your colleagues! It's a favorite pastime of Big 4 staff!

    As others mentioned, and you confirmed, it's basically take it or leave it. Look forward to the opportunities that will be open to you in 2-4 years (IMO, the ideal range of time to leave, unless you love Big 4).

    LA is just a tough market. Salaries should be higher based on cost of living, but there's just INTENSE competition there and they have a ton more people willing to work than are needed, hence the lower salaries.

    Good luck this fall!


    “But salary is only part of a compensation package. Is the health insurance better/cheaper? Vacation time the same? 401k match? HSA plan?”

    Based on my experience (which is admittedly limited, the benefits package at big 4 is not that great. The vacation time is great (if you can take it – but even if you can take all of it, you are still working more hours than per year than most people in industry) and the phone plan is great. 401k plan match is really really low, other benefits are standard and base salary is low for the hours worked.

    ” I would never pay more for an entry level person.”

    I sorta get what your saying. Esp in big 4 you are really just figuring stuff out in your first year however tons of companies pay more than that for entry level accountants – and for less hours worked too.

    ” With a cpa license already completed you should move up the chain faster though.”

    Nope. Big 4 promotions are almost entirely based on tenure – not merit – and besides the large majority of big 4 staff complete the CPA in their first two years.


    53k sounds right for socal.

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