Update: Nailed it!

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  • #186023

    I officially received a verbal offer from a Big 4 firm today! I’m actually in the process of looking up salary information right now because I will be emailed the written offer some time tomorrow…

    I thought I’d take some time to share a summary of my experience (because it would be cocky to assume you’ve been following my status through the process thus far)

    I technically graduated January 2012 with my Accounting Bachelors degree from a university that focuses on career development, #1 in the nation (I only say this because I believe it contributed to my ability to get an offer). All 2 years of my work experience have been spent in Tax. I felt ready, however, to transition into Audit because Tax was not what I had expected. I first applied for experienced hire positions because…even though I’m not experienced in Audit, I am experienced…turns out that wasn’t the best route to take. I decided to try my hand at applying directly through the campus recruiting process on the big 4 website. I filled out my information and followed up with a direct email to the contact person for campus recruiting. After some time, I received a separate email from the campus recruiter who is responsible for the recruitment for my alma mater. After filling out a candidate profile of sorts, she said that someone would contact me if my talents were of interested….Later someone actually did contact me (I would be lying if I were to say I wasn’t surprised)!

    We arranged a phone interview and afterwards the recruiter had me fill out another candidate profile. Eventually I was emailed information for an office interview/visit, which went really well. I actually really like interviewing…so it came pretty naturally for me. Pending my positive interviews (there were multiple), I then had a phone interview with a partner, which also went well.

    One business day later I got the offer.

    I just want to encourage those people who didn’t go to a Big 4 straight out of college, and those that also are interested in switching practice areas…it can happen 🙂

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  • #584486

    congrats! wait…you already graduated, but were still somehow able to apply through your alma mater as a student/experienced professional? how does that work? if that's allowed, i'd totally do it. applying out of college is much easier than applying directly because the applicant pool is much smaller.

    are you starting as a level 2 associate?


    Thanks Cannot!

    I didn't apply THROUGH my school…but I was put in contact with the Big 4 recruiter that is responsible for my school. I think that helped me out in the process.

    I am starting in an entry level audit position…not experienced…but I think that's fair considering my 100% tax background and that I've only been in the workforce for 2 years so far.


    Wow, congrats CPA4birthdaypresent! How long was the whole process? Did you do any phone interview? I am one of those that wants to get into Big4 without auditing experience. I don't mind starting at an entry level, working there will really be a dream come true for me. Your story gives me hope and thanks for sharing. Best of luck on your new job…

    Far - Passed 83
    Aud - Passed 84
    Bec - Passed 77
    Reg- Passed 77


    Thanks nigercpa!

    It actually took pretty much exactly one month. I did a total of 2 phone interviews: the first was with the recruiter to assess if they would like me to come in for the office visit, and the second was with a partner after the office visit (they admitted this was not protocol though…usually get interviewed by a partner during your office visit)

    Glad you're encouraged 🙂



    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    Congrats! That is awesome. However, to the people on the forum…the big 4 is not the end all, be all. Most people are not there for very long, but you will figure that out.


    Congrats! That is awesome. However, to the people on the forum…the big 4 is not the end all, be all. Most people are not there for very long, but you will figure that out.


    You're right AGV13…I'd ideally like to stay for a long time, but who knows!


    congrats on getting the job!!

    AGV13, I am sure most everyone knows big 4 is not a long term career move. A majority of ppl leave after a couple of years. That is why big4 hire on such a large scale. But everyone knows a big4 experience is what most potential employers are looking for when you are ready to make the switch from public to private.


    @cpabirthday can you please elaborate on the types of questions you were asked on your initial phone interview?

    Also, did you pass any parts of the cpa when you interviewed?


    I am using Becker self study, ninja blitz and Wiley (I am using the paperback version of the testbank)

    Brief overview of study method:
    1. Skim through chapter quickly
    2. Watch lecture videos
    3. Take a lot of notes on what the lecturers emphasize
    4. Complete half HW after lectures half after rewriting notes


    Congrats CPA4birthdaypresent!


    Thats wonderful news. Congratulations!

    UNC MAcc

    It's not really surprising that you went to Harvard and got a job at the Big 4.

    B - 89
    A - 80
    R - 78
    F - 86

    CIA, CFSA, MBA, MAcc (too many f'ing degrees and certs, I know, trust me)



    – What are your reasons for applying for this position?

    – What industry most interests you?

    – What is your preferred office location?

    – When are you available for an interview?

    @ _Nick_ and AgentJohnny006: Thanks!

    @ UNC MAcc: nope I'm not a Harvard grad 🙂




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