True Life: I hate my audit team

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  • #1502716

    Hi all,

    This is my first post – I’ve been a long time follower of Another71 during my CPA exam journey, but never thought about actually posting…. until now.

    I just finished up my first busy season as a full-time audit staff at a Big Four and I’m feeling pretty defeated at the moment. Though I worked my fair share of hours (I was working 7 days a week), that’s not what’s bothering me. I can handle the workload and the busy hours, but what’s really bringing me down is my team.

    The management on my team is terrible. Managers are crazy and controlling, and expect the staff to kiss their feet and treat them like the Queen of England. On top of that, we sit in a windowless closet with our whole team of 15 and I’m going insane. Managers are also quick to throw staff under the bus and me and the other Staff 1 have come to the conclusion that one of my managers is actually out to get me. I work hard, I want to learn as much as I can, and I keep my mouth shut no matter what kind of shit they throw at me … but I feel like I’m swimming against the current.

    This is a public client, so I am here full-time, year round. To think about being here long-term actually depresses me. I like the work and I like the client, but being in this type of team environment is mentally, emotionally, and physically draining.

    I know I can make a change to my situation, whether it’s switching to a different service line completely (like Advisory) or requesting a new client… but before I make a move, I wanted to listen to other opinions here on Another 71, my favorite accounting site :).

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  • #1502739
    Knight Rider

    Ya know I hear so much crap about Audit from B4 people, and employees at some of the large international firms….elevator/hallway/break room talk, etc. Even one of my former professors hates Audit. We were just talking about the Audit bus driver too. Lol.

    A lot of people hate Audit, and go to Tax or Advisory. After 1 year at a small CPA firm, I hate Audit, and it has almost made me hate public accounting. My supervisor sounds a lot like yours. Not out to get me, but hopes I either fail, or stay working for them. Kiss the ground they walk on….their opinion and old fashioned thought process is golden…everyone is this or that. I heard from a B4 trainer that there is a gap between the thought process of millennials and older employees.

    Sorry for your situation. I cannot advise you on what to do. However, I have actually stopped applying for jobs in Audit, and have been looking at Tax and Advisory (mostly). I am not sure what your undergrad is in, but mine was not in accounting. So, I have been looking at pursuing career opportunities that revolve around that, or that bridge accounting (advisory) w/my undergrad studies…the benefits of not putting all of your eggs in one basket. 🙂

    Hopefully, other B4 people can offer you more advice. I found your post helpful…it just confirms my reluctance to work in Audit.

    Good luck! 🙂


    “Jeff! It turns out that my co-workers read this site too. I am SCREWED! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE delete my thread!!!!!”

    in 3 … 2 … 1 …



    Tax is dope. I worked in audit for a few months as I finished up school, and changing to tax was the best decision I've ever made professionally. I used to think traveling for work was cool, and a certain element of it is, but working in audit teams where it seems like everyone is determined to throw someone else under the bus and not take responsibility for anything is the worst. At my current tax firm, about 4 or 5 people at various levels all work individually on clients, and the workflow is so much more predictable. August – October 15 (or 18th this year) can be around 60-80 hrs a week, but the majority of the rest of the year is lax. Above all, I never have to work from a broom closet again.

    My tax teacher really put it in perspective for me when he said this: “When you work in audit, no client is happy to see you show up. You're there to try and find things people far more experienced than you messed up on and bug them for crap they don't want to give you. On top of that, they have to do their normal job while they help you do yours. In tax, your job is to save the client money, and everyone is happy to see you. Plus, the skills you learn can benefit you in your own life.”

    Obviously this isn't a catch-all and your mileage may vary, but I have found it to be mostly true in my career.

    Knight Rider

    LOL@Jeff. This is why I tried to be vague in my post.



    Where is the fun in that….

    Knight Rider

    I agree with @RockLobster. No one is happy to see you show up…and discussing findings with management SUCKS!!! It's a negative profession. If only my BEC writing prompt was over my thoughts of Audit, I may have scored a 99.

    Oh, and @Jeff – that's also why I don't tell my coworkers about the Ninjas. 😉

    It would be kind of comical if 2 coworkers were on here blasting each other and didn't know it. 🙂


    This, along with the potential for early retirement is why I ended up choosing Tax. Granted you'll have personality conflict and management issues in any position you'll ever have. The sooner you can learn to be a chameleon and stop bringing your feelings to work, the better you'll enjoy life. Just my $0.02 (not deductible)

    B - 88 (2/16)
    A - 84 (4/16)
    R - 73 (6/16), 82(7/16)
    F - 67 (1/16), 84(4/16)

    Ethics - 93

    Roger course & Ninja MCQ - HiYa!


    @Jeff actually… Jeff! It turns out that my co-workers read this site too. I am SCREWED! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE delete my thread!!!!!


    no seriously, can you please delete this Jeff!!!!! sorry. and thank you!


    Yup this is sorta why I never worked for B4. I knew what the environment there would be like. Last year at my old job, KPMG came in and was there for three months (came Dec 2015 for planning, left 2nd week of March 2016). They were total pests who took way to long to finish the audit – and this was an audit of a private company! Most of the audit team looked like high school kids. I was so glad I had nothing to do with them because they were like ants that could not be killed with a can of Raid and they bugged and pestered almost everyone around me. LOL Anyhow, if you aren't happy in the job and if people are tossing you under the bus, a job change is in order. B4 isn't a match for many people. Private is better. I'm sure you'd do well in private.

    Substantive Testing

    @moag8394 It sounds like you do not mind working in audit, and people is the only factor that is ruining your audit experience. I recommend you to give audit another chance and try to switch to another team, and if that is not possible, then switch to another firm. Managers/partners outside the B4 tend to be more humble. I might be bias, but I do think that audit is a great field to be in. The only reason why anybody should consider switching out of audit is if they do not like the work, which is not the case for you. Industry tends to pay more for staffs but it caps out at higher levels, on the other hand, audit can give u an uncapped future.


    lmao how did I know this was going to be a big 4 story. Keep on drinkin the big 4 kool-aid people.

    AUD 93 Jan 16
    BEC 83 Feb 16
    FAR 83 Apr 16
    REG 84 May 16

    99% Ninja MCQ only


    I hate working at a big 4 too. I feel suffocated here. At least I know I'm not the only one. Thanks for posting.

    AUD - Passed in May
    BEC - Passed in June
    FAR - Waiting for score
    REG - Planning it for Q4
    We can do this ninjas!

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