Thoughts on big four recruiter\'s email after skype interview

  • Creator
  • #1566072

    Hello all,
    I had a skype interview with a big four sm manager last friday. I basically screwed up the interview because of two guys were making loud noises at the same time when I was interviewing.
    Today I received an email from the recruiter, it says the feedback from interview was positive, but the position was put on hold, and will reach out to me later this year. is this a typical rejection email?

    Thanks for your insights on this!

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  • Author
  • #1566130

    I went through this with Deloitte and they ended up offering me a position a year later. I reached out to the recruiter every few months to touch base and told her I was still very interested in working for the firm.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    The recruiter said there might be more opportunities around september and will reach out to me. I just dont know he really mean it or it's just a nicer way of saying NO. I will definitely check back with him every month maybe.


    I think you should keep following up every one in a while. If it's a rejection, I believe they will just straight up reject you with a standard looking email, rather than rejecting you with “nicer” language.


    I'm in the same boat as you. I met up with an audit manager from one of the big4's and afterwards he passed up my resume to the recruiter. However, It has now been almost two weeks and I still haven't heard anything back yet from the recruiter. Luckily, I was also able to get my resumes passed up to the recruiters at two other Big4s, but the wait is killing me.

    Btw, how did you manage to get your phone interview with the Big4? Did you just have someone in the firm submitting your resume to the recruiter? Or did you fill out an application form online and was then contacted by the recruiter? It seems though that Big4 firms rarely post A1 applications online.

    I heard people saying there should be more opportunities around Sept-Nov, but when do you think is an appropriate time to follow up with the referrer to show that you are diligently interested in that firm?

    Thank You

    ~My CPA Journey~
    FAR- 2/24/15- 81
    REG- 4/27/15- Pending
    AUD- TBD
    BEC- TBD


    I applied online for a senior position and the recruiter contacted me after 2 weeks suggested me to go for a staff position. Hopefully people are right that big four will have more experienced hires around September. I am going to ask for big four referral now, it seems employee referral is a better way of getting a job at big four.

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