Starting At The Big 4 & The CPA Exam

  • This topic has 13 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Son.
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  • #1314893

    Newbie Ninja here, is the general wisdom to get the cpa exams done before starting at Big 4? I currently have a spot reserved for full time in Sept 2017, but I’m wondering if it would be better to push that back to Jan 2018 and allow myself extra time to finish up the exams. Should I be concerned about messing around with my offer like that?

    I’m taking BEC in Jan/Feb (my first exam) and I’m currently working part time which allows for a lot of great study time.

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  • #1314902

    I would REALLY take it before you start work. When you work, you can only study as much you can per day before it wears you out. I was in public and it was really hard to find the time to study. Now, I'm in private and we have a lot of down time for certain months and thats how I've been able to pass them. Though to each their own.

    I would recommend you try your best to do a early Jan test date for BEC and attempt REG at the end of the window. I believe you can take all 4 tests by Sept 2017. If you set a date for you to pass your exams, I think you'll be more motivated to study harder to pass it.

    Those flippin' test changes are my ONLY motivator to pass REG in this window.

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB

    Sticky Nicky

    get it done now,,,and fast

    Substantive Testing

    Do not play with your offer if you already have one, they can withdraw from it at any time if they think you are playing games with them. If you do not want to work 70 hours, study 40 hours and sleep 35 hours every single week for 6-12 months, then you better start knocking them down now!


    Start knocking them out as fast as possible. Make it your goal to get the rest (if any) during your first few months.

    Don't try to extend your start date. First perceptions, plenty of people work and tackle the CPA. Also, January tends to be a smaller start class, I was the only new hire starting in January in my office, which meant my “peers” were a bunch of other random people from around the country along with the previous September start class, who I slowly got to know over time–as opposed to starting with a large local group.

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    Overkill at this point, but take them (and pass them) BEFORE you start working. I've been in public for a year now, not at BIG 4 but national. I passed one before I started and I'm still trying to finish them all (FAR expires for me in April 2017, passed AUD and just took BEC).

    There is nothing worse than getting home after a tough day and having to start studying. Weekends are your only opportunity, but after working a full week the last thing you want to do is spend another 2 days sitting inside all day at your desk.

    BEC - TBD
    AUD - TBD
    REG - TBD
    FAR - 76 (10/19/2015)


    Guess I didn't answer your question either. Now to September for all 4 is definitely do-able with enough motivation and hard work. I'd say don't try to push it back.

    BEC - TBD
    AUD - TBD
    REG - TBD
    FAR - 76 (10/19/2015)


    I've met some people who pushed back their offer date. This is something that needs to be immediately communicated to HR, because engagement teams (assuming you are in audit?) will schedule you a year in advance. There are some pros and cons to your decision, but I believe finishing your CPA (or at least getting FAR/REG out of the way) would be the smartest thing to do in the long run. Busy seasons at the Big 4 are no joke, and you are more than likely to encounter some busier days outside of the January through March timeframe dependent on client year end, quarter, and/or other deadlines. Therefore, get it done while you still have all the time to do so. Once you start working, it becomes VERY difficult to juggle work and studying at the same time.

    Good luck OP.


    Thanks for all the replies, I appreciate the feedback.

    Another component to this is that I'm doing a Jan-March internship with the firm and upon completion, will have all my exam fees and review materials covered. I'm currently using Ninja notes & MCQ only for BEC, can't really afford anything else.

    As much as I want to get these exams done as quickly as possible, I feel like I really need a solid review program along with the ninja supps to tackle the other exams.

    Substantive Testing

    Just remember that life only gets harder and never easier.


    I would poach this situation VERY carefully. I say to ask the question in a very polite way, while explaining your situations.

    They may say something along the lines of “we really want you to start on this date.” If this is the case, you're kind of limited. At that point, if you push hard enough, you'll lose that position, altogether. Overall, tread lightly.

    B=84 This exam was such a b**** that I thought I failed-don't know how these things work
    A=76 Slacker I am, I'll happily take it
    R=81 I LOVE taxes
    F=80 I don't wanna get banned for an expletive I'm thinking with "yea" proceeding it


    Not sure about pushing your start date, but why can't you get them done before September? If you're taking BEC soon, you could take another in April, then in July (FAR?), then in late August? I knocked all of mine out in 7 months, and I work full time (industry). People are different, but keeping my study windows short was extra motivation because I knew my misery didn't last for that long.

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16


    I would recommend completing the exam before you start work. Or at least have three sections passed before you start working with a minimum of two more windows available to take the fourth.

    Best advice for anyone entering into the profession is to PASS THE EXAM FIRST. It will make life and your job a heck of a lot easier.


    do not say you want to push the date to study. you will be, to put it mildly, misunderstood. I have plenty of co-workers who passed their exams within two summer months between school and starting work; others completed them during their last year of study; many, like myself, studied while working full-time. People will question your ability to work under pressure and prioritize.

    Also, second most people on this thread – you have more than enough time between now and September, hit the books;)

    AUD - passed
    REG - passed
    BEC - passed
    FAR - passed

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