Should keep your work phone separate if you work for big 4 national firm

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  • #159649

    How’s everyone study going? I just have a question come up and do not know who to ask. I hope someone can give me some input. If you work for Big 4 or other National firm, will you keep your personal and work phone separately? I ask a few people (some are from big 4 and others are student, and etc). However, they all have different answer. The following is the pro and con. What is your thought?


    Using one phone
    nPro: You just have to pay for your personal portion. Don’t have to bring two phones all the time. Consolidate all the email in one place.
    nCon: You probably need to limit your personal use.


    Using two phone
    nPro: You can turn off the phone when you don’t want to be bother (however, you better answer the phone or you are risking your job). You don’t have to worry about how much you use for personal and the company will just pay the whole bill. You don’t have to worry about what is appropriate and what is not appropriate in your personal phone.
    nCon: Pay two bills. Bring two phones with you all the time even after work.n


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  • #268968

    I opted for one phone. The firm I work for has a “suggested” split between what I can expense and what I pay for, and it works well. I have a hard enough time keeping track of one phone, never mind two of them :). I think with the days of unlimited data (I know it's not offered on AT&T anymore, but most of the firms still get it), the “personal” expense involved with phone use is limited. I opted to pay a little more for unlimited texts, and I take that amount onto my personal share. I'm a big proponent of one phone, but I know people that opt for two. Hopefully my reasons make sense.n


    AUD- 74, 81, BEC - 73,82, FAR-82, REG- 77, and DONE!


    Thanks! Another issue I have is… I will be starting my job in Fall 2011. I have to decide whether I should go get the Verizon iPhone with unlimited Data Now so I won't be charged for the over usage. I know the firm is paying for the cellphone too. If I wait until then I would have to worry about if I am going to over use the data on my phone plan.n



    I'm confused about your question (I'm waiting to get the new iphone….the iphone 4 will be obsolete pretty soon :)) Do you need a new phone now? Or can you hold off till you start? If you're opting for the 1 phone route, and you can wait, I'd save your upgrade until you start, and they will pay for it. that was a mistake I made. I started in September and bought a new phone the December 2009 prior. Now I can't upgrade until August of this year!n


    AUD- 74, 81, BEC - 73,82, FAR-82, REG- 77, and DONE!


    Sorry for the confuse. I am well aware of your situation… I try to get the iPhone from Verizon because I can get the unlimited data now. But they said it is going to be limited time offer only. If I wait until I start with the firm. I will be using the limited plan. I am worry about if 2GB is enough for both work and personal. Good thing is I can get iPhone 5 at that time tho 🙂 and the phone is free (pay by the company)n



    That's what I assumed to (That I could just buy a new one because the firm was paying for it) the firm I work for would not let me buy one until my upgrade came up. so the only way you'll be able to by an iphone 4 now and an iphone 5 when you start is if you're going the two phone route. I haven't heard anything about verizon making the unlimited data a limited time offer, from what I've read, they're not getting rid of it…..n


    AUD- 74, 81, BEC - 73,82, FAR-82, REG- 77, and DONE!


    THX! BTW how to look at PM in this forum? I never use it.n



    Hey… tkemp6 I looked at your profile… I think I will be working with your firm… and I am from Georgia as well. What a small world. Also, thanks for your information.n



    If you want to email me, we can discuss some of the more specific stuff that I don't really want to put on here….n


    AUD- 74, 81, BEC - 73,82, FAR-82, REG- 77, and DONE!


    I got your email address. You may want to remove your email address from here. Just in case you will get a lot of spam! ^^n



    THX! I just sent you an email.n



    I would have two lines setup, and have my work line calls forwarded to my personal phone. This way, you could still have a work line phone number, but not have to carry two phones. It doesn't sound too professional when you are giving people out your personal cell phone number when they ask how to conact you. Just sayin….n


    BEC - 71, 74, 77 (Feb - 2011)
    FAR - 73, 78 (Feb - 2011)
    REG - 83 (Nov 2010)
    AUD - 71, 84 (May 2011) - Done!! CPA licensed in TX (July 2011)


    Thank you for all the input. I think I will stick with one phone. As far as giving out work number for personal use. My solution is to use Google Voice which you can give out your Google Voice number as personal and it forward to your work phone.


    Thanks again everyone!n






    I use google voice to forward to my work blackberry. You should, however, NOT use your person number for firm business.


    And it is generally fine to use your work phone as your only phone, just realize that they can monitor what you do on it. So if you are very sensitive about privacy or the fact that the firm can read your texts, see your call logs, etc if they really wanted to…then don't use it for both. It is unlikely, but you just saying you don't absolutely control the phone.


    Also if you have a personal phone contract you can usually break it via the big4 contracts.n


    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    I opted for one phone. The firm I work for has a “suggested” split between what I can expense and what I pay for, and it works well. I have a hard enough time keeping track of one phone, never mind two of them :). I think with the days of unlimited data (I know it's not offered on AT&T anymore, but most of the firms still get it), the “personal” expense involved with phone use is limited. I opted to pay a little more for unlimited texts, and I take that amount onto my personal share. I'm a big proponent of one phone, but I know people that opt for two. Hopefully my reasons make sense.

    AUD- 74, 81, BEC - 73,82, FAR-82, REG- 77, and DONE!

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