Should I go to this PWC Recruiting Event at my School?

  • This topic has 11 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by vbmer.
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  • #2916921

    Hey, guys I am a senior and I major in accounting and economics. My overall gpa is a 3.0 and my accounting gpa is a 3.7. At my school there is a PWC recruiting event and on the flier it states you need to be a freshman, sophmore or junior to attend the event and have a minimum overall gpa of 3.2 which, I don’t satisfy. The question is should I bother going to the event? Do I have a chance? The only reason my gpa went that low because I used to be a computer science major and I forgot to mention I just joined the VITA program.

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  • #2917146

    Seems kinda weird to me they specifically exclude seniors…

    I'd probably talk to the event organizer or someone and ask why seniors aren't included or why that specific GPA. They're probably not enforcing it that hard. But if they are, well then might as well spend your time on something better. Recruiting events are overrated and don't have nearly as much success for candidates as they like to advertise. Heck, if there's a steep price of admission, save your money for people who WOULD accept you for being you and forget those anti-senior-ites :p


    Agree with the above. Side note- I would take as many easy classes as you can to try to boost your overall GPA up a bit. If you want a Big 4 job straight out of school it’s all they base you on outside of your interview skills. It may be worth it to take additional classes through extension or local community college to boost up your overall GPA. PWC is the most focused on GPA though out of the big 4 but you’ll need to keep it over 3.0 and likely closer to 3.2 to be considered straight out of school. If you’re able to continue your education for an extra year I highly recommend getting a MAcc or MBT and then going through the recruiting process during grad school. You’ll likely need the additional units to qualify for your CPA and a Masters degrees will get you there. Good luck!


    If it's for juniors and below, the recruiters there are probably only interested in interns.


    ok Moose, listen my friend, you SHOULD ALWAYS be at accounting recruiting event and SHOULD ALWAYS get some connections through those events. Just because they have those requirements doesn't mean YOU won't get hired. I went to the event that was SPECIFICALLY for 3rd and 4th years and I was full time working and didn't even have an accounting degree. I sneaked in and got hired into a big 4's internal audit group. Trust me when I say ALWAYS AWLAYS go. Don't let the thresholds scare you. Big 4 values you and your skills and your drive. Know what you want to do and build your connections from there. Inside info here for you, if you haven't heard from the internet: there are always needs in Big 4, you can get hired through the most unexpected route.


    Go. Can't hurt. More exposure to recruiters, the better. Give your resume anyway. You want a job? Put the pressure on them. Show your determination!!

    Graduated 05/2016.
    NY CPA Candidate.
    Public accounting.
    FAR COMING UP 07/07/2016 !! GOD HELP ME.


    cant hurt. networking and doesnt hurt.

    BEC - 68,70,72,75 5/15
    AUD - 78(expired), 77 8/15
    REG - 29,58,65,77 1/16
    FAR - 56,68,73 - retake October hopefully (last shot)

    Been doing this since 2007 on and off...


    also want to add, treat it like practice. getting a job sometimes includes failing…so treat it like honing your self-selling skills

    BEC - 68,70,72,75 5/15
    AUD - 78(expired), 77 8/15
    REG - 29,58,65,77 1/16
    FAR - 56,68,73 - retake October hopefully (last shot)

    Been doing this since 2007 on and off...


    I wouldn't get time of day with KPMG because I didn't intern with them. Sometimes, they are looking for fresh fish. It sounds like they are searching for interns only. I personally wouldn't waste my time if they are straight out telling you they aren't looking at you.

    Using Becker self-study
    FAR: (82) 175 hours - 1st attempt
    BEC: (XX)
    AUD: (69) 45hrs of study - 1st attempt
    REG: (XX)


    Only go if you want a job at PWC.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    I cannot agree more with Puppykoalo. How badly do you want a job with a Big 4? What it costs you to go to that recruiting event? You never know what is going to happen until you try. If the recruiter tells you, sorry we are only here hiring interns, what will that cost you, really? You could still use that opportunity to talk to them to learn more about the firm, the office, and their practice. Big 4 really like that, because it shows initiatives and your willingness to work for them. Plus the information you get from Big 4 recruiters really helps with interview prep.

    My story is somewhat similar to Puppykoalo. I’m an international student and Big 4 hires much less of us nowadays, and for 2019 fall it was only Deloitte and EY would at least consider us. PwC and KPMG all have firm policy that just won’t take international students. I only had one internship in accounting in the states here and worked 2 years on campus as a accounting/finance tutor because those are the only jobs would take me and give me somewhat accounting-related experience. And I had to work on campus in the morning, drive 2 hours to our main campus, just to talk to the Big 4 at the recruiting event, drive back for another 2 hours, then go to my evening 3-hour class. It paid off because I landed an on campus interview with Deloitte (yep another 2-hour drive and I stayed at a friend’s place because they had that pre-interview event the night before interview). And the interview gave me a FT audit job with Deloitte starting this fall.

    When there is a will, there is a way. Just need to ask yourself how much you want it.


    You don't need to network to get into a Big 4 firm. And even if you needed to, talking to a recruiter, who is not even a particularly influential person, is not networking. Accounting firms are more desperate for accounting grads than vice-versa.

    If you are really desperate to work at PwC, I think your time would be better spent reaching out to your school's alumni in the office you want to work in and spending time building a relationship with them. You will learn things, and there is a decent chance someone will be willing to give you a referral. Have the chutzpah to ask. Most Seniors are at a (obnoxious) stage in their life where they are just dying to give someone advice and a referral.

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