Rejection - Page 2

  • Creator
  • #196205

    I just got a rejection from PwC today. I interviewed yesterday with 2 managers and 2 managing directors. I thought the interviews went really well but I guess I was wrong. The recruiter told me that they really liked me but the other candidate was stronger and that they would keep my resume on file. My question is, has anyone had a recruiter call later on with a new position to interview for?

    A - (64) (73) (75)
    R - (82)
    F - (67)
    B -

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  • Author
  • #687574

    When they say “we found someone stronger” I have always assumed it meant someone that can bench/squat more than I.

    Audit- 86 5/27/2015
    Regulation- 89 7/2/2015
    Bec- 83 7/23/2015
    Far- 80 8/31/2015
    Ethics-62, 90
    Part 1: Passed 12/10/2015
    Part 2: Passed 3/11/2016

    CIA- Pass 1/29/16/// CRMA- Pass 2/9/16// CCSA- Pass 2/21/2016/// CFE- Pass 2/29/2016/// CFSA- Pass 3/15/2016

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