Referral to Big 4

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  • #199585

    My resume was submitted to the recruiter by referral. The lead recruiter has contacted me and suggested to apply the audit senior position in 2 locations. After I completed the application she suggested yesterday, I receive an automatic rejection email today that I will not be selected for this position. I am confused since the recruiter is the person who suggest me to apply this position, does it mean I have no chance with them anymore ? Have you experienced with this before ?

    Illinois CPA 02/15

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  • #755114

    You probably applied for a job you were not qualified for. To be a senior you have to have some public experience. I would apply for a staff or an experienced hire position.

    You always have a chance, even after being rejected. I could not tell you how many times I was rejected but kept applying. Eventually I had enough experience to get some attention and get interviews.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    If a recruiter wants you, typically they will tell you to apply in the system as a formality but take your resume and keep in touch with you outside the system. If they told you to apply but didn't make it clear that they would be in touch with you personally you are likely not what they were looking for in that role. Don't be down about it though, recruiters have kinda of random and unpredictable criteria they look for and it changes from one to another.


    @ruggercpa2b @PublicGuy Thank you for your advice. I have one more question to ask.

    The rejection email address was sent from this email address “” Is this a screening from the machine or the HR actually review my resume and reject it ?

    Illinois CPA 02/15


    Not sure to be honest, but in my experience rejections are automated pretty much every time, so I wouldn't worry about the circumstances of who sent it. It all means the same thing. I know it's ready to notice every little detail and think it means something but it usually doesn't.


    “I am confused since the recruiter is the person who suggest me to apply this position, does it mean I have no chance with them anymore ? Have you experienced with this before ?”

    There are many possibilities, so impossible to know for certain. Sometimes job postings have automatic cancellation dates where all applicants get automatic rejection emails. Many times the same job will be reposted with a different job ID number.

    Follow up with the recruiter 1-2 weeks after your last contact and ask about anything else you should do to be considered. They may point you to some more listed positions. If not, then maybe that's a sign…


    @publicguy @fruzyfro89 a recruiter has replied me today and said that she forwarded my resume to their local recruiter, and mentioned that should their company not have spots, she will forward my resume to other companies.

    I feel that this is a bad sign because she did not suggest any position within their firm. What do you think ? Thanks.

    Illinois CPA 02/15


    This happened to me when I was applying to Big 4, I had someone refer me and the recruiter from the firm reached out and asked me to apply to the position online. I received the rejection email as I was in the middle of trying to schedule an in-person interview with the managing partner. When I reached out to their recruiter, she told me to just ignore it. Ended up getting the job anyway, even though the denial email came through.


    Thanks @abranaugh , the recruiter replied my email that associate for Fall 2016 has been filled. I will need to look for 2017 which is quite not my ideal timeline. I have an experience for 2 years in private company, and have a master degree.
    I feel that I am in the gap. Not sure what is the appropriate way to do ? Any advice would be appreciated.

    Illinois CPA 02/15

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