Referral by employee

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  • #199817

    Hi All! I was refereed by EY employee, around 1 week, I was noticed that there isn’t any available position currently, I was so frustrated, is that mean I was turned down already? If so, what should I do? Hope anyone can give me some suggestion, Thank you in advance.

    AUD 84
    BEC 80
    REG 87
    FAR 80

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  • #756588

    You can't be turned down if you never interviewed. If the position is not even on their job board, there is nothing you can do. In my area there doesn't seem to be a lot of open position as well for EY in the spring. I suggested applying again later this year, like in the fall.


    sliang89, I am not sure I follow how you've figured out they have no openings at the moment – did you just check EY's job portal for that? Not all positions get posted; also, even if no position is available they can still interview you if you've got an interesting background and create an opening just for you if you impress them. I would follow up with your friend first, and if she's in the dark shoot an email to the HR person directly (if you have their contact information).

    AUD - passed
    REG - passed
    BEC - passed
    FAR - passed


    @Sliang, Have you applied the position online and a recruiter asked for your requisition number, then you got a rejection email later ?

    Illinois CPA 02/15


    When you said referred, did you mean they encouraged you to apply or they took your resume and referred you? I recently had my resume forwarded to a recruiter and ended up getting an interview for a summer/fall position. The position is not posted online, so like the Son said, not all positions are posted online and they could create a position if they like you.

    Reach out to that person who referred you and tell them what you told us. You can also do some digging and find the recruiter in your area and reach out. I'm not sure how effective telling them someone referred you as opposed to someone really referring you, though. I had someone encourage me to apply to the F100 company that they work for. I attempted to email the recruiter and received a minimal response back and no interview yet. Never hurts to try, though.


    A referral by an employee doesn't really mean all that much all the time, I would say it depends on whether you're referred as an experienced hire or not. My friend is a senior at another Big Four company and he put me on top of his list, but I still didn't get an option to interview there. I personally think it's because the recruiter I was networking with quit just before applications were being picked.

    Also, I agree with one of the posters above, you should try in the Fall. Spring isn't their main recruiting season.

    FAR = 86 4/22/16
    BEC = 80 6/01/16
    REG = 07/26/16
    AUD = ?


    @gio957, Thank you. You are right, I checked Linkedin as well, there is no such opening of EY, I am keeping watch on it, let's wait and see. Again thank you for your words.

    AUD 84
    BEC 80
    REG 87
    FAR 80


    @Son, Yes, I agree with you, I didn't check with my friend whether he noticed by HR or not, but I was thinking my background wasn't impressive for them for sure. uh, I just want give my dream one more opportunity so I am still moving forward to the light. Thank you for your info.

    AUD 84
    BEC 80
    REG 87
    FAR 80


    No, not yet, I was enrolled into talent group and get confirmed by EY, I received a letter which noticed me there is not suitable position for me at the moment, but they will reach out to me when the opportunity is there.

    AUD 84
    BEC 80
    REG 87
    FAR 80


    @sam85, It is a employee internal referral for sure, I am totally agree with Son said, I am afraid that my experience is not impressive enough, just a little disappointed. Thank you letting me know how you did, I will keep trying to chase my dream. I think digging local recruiter is a good idea, at least I can try to figure out how it process, if I am lucky enough, they willing spend time on explanation. : )

    AUD 84
    BEC 80
    REG 87
    FAR 80


    @Mehow, oh, do you mean they rank their internal referral? I was thinking referral is a short cut of interview, at least you have the opportunity to show them what you have and your talents as well, let's keep working on it. Thanks

    AUD 84
    BEC 80
    REG 87
    FAR 80


    What is the likely hood of an international candidate getting a H1B visa, who has passed all exams and is referred to a big 4 through an associate?


    zubairs, you probably should start your own thread with that topic if you want to attract more relevant responses. If you're hired as a full-timer by Big4s you're pretty much guaranteed H1B visa sponsorship. Keep in mind that this year only 1 in 3 applicants will get a visa though, even though all of the applicants get sponsorship from their employers. Also, getting a job at Big4 and getting sponsored for visa are two different things, and passing the CPA exam won't affect your chances of getting the visa much. Having a master's will increase them quite a bit though.

    AUD - passed
    REG - passed
    BEC - passed
    FAR - passed


    @son I think you are right but I felt this topic was already beaten to death so tried to keep it in the same thread 😛 I just want to ask you, what is the difference between a visa and a sponsorship? You mentioned “only 1 in 3 applicants will get a visa though, even though all of the applicants get sponsorship from their employers.” I thought both these things are one in the same.


    Zubairs, visa sponsorship means that an employer is putting together a package of documents (usually with the help of their lawyers), pays the fees and submits the application with the US government for consideration. Now, here's the problem: the US issues only 85,000 H1B visas every year. This year, I've heard there were over 240,000 applicants. If that happens, if there are more applicants than visas, the government conducts a lottery – they select applications they will CONSIDER (not approve, just consider). So, 2 out of 3 applicants won't even get their documents reviewed by the government. Those lucky ones who got selected in the lottery might or might not get a visa still – if there's something about the application that the government doesn't like, you can get a rejection.

    Under the US immigration laws, every applicant for an H1B visa needs to be sponsored by an employer (in other words, your Big4 company must offer you a job and be willing to prepare your application and pay the fees). But, the mere fact that your Big4 will sponsor/apply you for a visa does not guarantee you'll get one. You might still not get selected in the lottery, or the application will be denied on other grounds.

    Lastly, timing: the applications to obtain H1B visas for 2016 that would allow you to start working in the US in October, 2016 were due on April 1. Since you've already missed the deadline, the earliest you'll be able to start working in the US is October 2017. Just something you should consider when applying for jobs.

    AUD - passed
    REG - passed
    BEC - passed
    FAR - passed


    @son wow that was really insightful. So this means, there is no chance an interview or anything would be happening this year. It was good to know though and I will start reaching out to my contacts by the end of this year.

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