PwC & nose rings

  • Creator
  • #1897608

    Does anyone know if you are allowed to have a stud or nose ring at PwC?

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  • #1897635

    As with most things in life, the hotter you are the more you can get away with. unless you are a dude, then a strong no.

    But seriously, nose studs are pretty common and should not be a problem. Big loops might be more of a concern.

    Note: I am incredibly biased as I find nose studs appealing.
    For some reason I thought this thread was going to be about being lead around like a bull with a nose ring.

    Mike J

    Personally, I never want to give any boss any reason to fire me.

    Fair or not, the bigger firms can be more selective of their interns or college hires.

    Let Crash Davis explain.


    Is this actually a big deal? I have a nose stud because I'm Indian, but I've never really had any problems with it (except once). Does it really come across as unprofessional and as a “reason to be fired”?


    Most firms would address this issue in their dress code policy, which they would ask you to read and sign when you are hired.


    Can it be taken out? This obviously refers to piercings rather than tattoos, but if you have a non-conventional piercing (i.e. not ears) you should consider removing it for a job interview and then asking about the company’s policy. You do not have to find out the hard way, by them telling you that your piercing is inappropriate. Nose piercings are becoming very common, especially among younger women, but rather than wearing a hoop you can change it to a stud to add more sophistication to your interview look. Lip, eyebrow or any other facial piercings are still more taboo. Removing those before an interview could help you win over older generations.

    Best advice is to take it out for interviews, and then find out the company policy (via HR or handbook).
    I don't really think a nose stud will cause you any problems.


    While most people won't care, you have to understand that senior managers / partners are around who might. In my view, there are so many things at your job that you can't control, so why get knocked for something that you can control. Given the job is highly client facing, you have to look as professional as possible. Imagine not getting the chance to go to a particular meeting (with let's say the CFO) because he/she doesn't think your nose ring is appropriate? Food for thought.


    When I say “he/she” by the way, I mean your senior manager – and when I say CFO, I am referring to the client. Just wanted to clarify.

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