PwC Forensic Advisory

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  • #185938

    Does anyone here work for PwC in forensic advisory. I have an interview set up for next week, and I want to get some pointers, and maybe an idea as to what kind of questions to ask in the interview. Also, how much weight do they put into the CPA as opposed to say the CFE or CIA?

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  • #558893

    Read your audit book.

    BA Mathematics, UC Berkeley
    Certificates in CPA and EA preparation, College of San Mateo
    CMA I 420, II 470
    FAR 91, AUD Feb 2015 (Gleim self-study)

    Determined CPA

    WileyoleYaeger I worked at PwC in NYC for 4 years and had a nice transfer into their forensic department for over a year. I didn't have to interview so i don't have specific details on that but i did interview for a tax position. Are you fresh out of college or do you have experience? If fresh out of college or have 2 years or less experience, i would say the interview is 100% personality. They will ask you what you've done and as long as you aren't super weird, they don't care what you say as long as you are able to have a conversation with them. If you have more experience, they may ask you specific questions, but i still think 85% will be based on your personality.

    Always ask at least 2 questions at the end of each interview. Dress for the part. Bring extra copies of your resume. All things you know, Im sure!

    PwC loves the CPA. If you just graduated, they will give you a bonus (not sure about forensic, actually, but they do for tax). Not sure about the others.

    Good luck!

    A - 75
    B - 78 God is good.
    F - 77 Answered prayers.
    R - 84! Done!!

    Paperwork sent - waiting for license!!
    Still on a cloud and in shock. Through God, all things will happen.


    determined, I have been working in forensics for the last 2 years, and was just promoted to Senior forensic a couple months back. I hope my work experience speaks for itself, because my gpa doesn't (then again I am 3 years out of college). I want to get on with them just because of the different places it can lead to. Seems like a great opportunity, and I am surprised that their HR department contacted me out of the blue just by viewing my linkedin profile.

    Determined CPA

    If you got the interview, you already passed the gpa requirement! Go in like you know the job is yours and you will do just fine!

    A - 75
    B - 78 God is good.
    F - 77 Answered prayers.
    R - 84! Done!!

    Paperwork sent - waiting for license!!
    Still on a cloud and in shock. Through God, all things will happen.


    Is a Sourcing Manager HR? What capacity is that?


    Determined CPA, noticed you said “worked” at pwc.. did you transfer offices or you are no longer with the firm? only asking because im starting this summer with the firm



    Determined CPA

    Scarlet – I'm no longer working for the firm. I was in the insurance sector (tax), got promoted to senior and left. Then I went into private for a while working at a law firm on 5th but the dork in me missed tax so I work for a midsize CPA firm in north jersey. I really liked PwC and sometimes I miss it. But then when it's 6pm and I'm eating dinner at home with my husband, I remember why I made the move. I also never lived in Manhattan so the commute was a killer. But I would be lying if I said I don't miss it.

    That's awesome that you're walking in there with your CPA. You'll get a nice starting bonus and have an advantage over your colleagues. Are you starting in tax, audit?

    A - 75
    B - 78 God is good.
    F - 77 Answered prayers.
    R - 84! Done!!

    Paperwork sent - waiting for license!!
    Still on a cloud and in shock. Through God, all things will happen.


    I'm starting july in auditing and yes i am looking forward to that bonus haha. Any advice?



    Determined CPA

    Advice? Depends on what you want!

    Are moving into the city? Are you single?

    Public accounting is hard. People who enter big 4, in my opinion, enter with 1 of 2 goals. 1: get promoted as fast as possible (either to senior or manager) and get out. That wasn't necessarily me. 2: In for the long hall. Regardless, in order to do well, it's going to take a lot of long hours and a lot of hard work.

    I met so many lifelong friends there, though. I think Big4 is the best way to start off a career. It opens the door to just about anything.

    A - 75
    B - 78 God is good.
    F - 77 Answered prayers.
    R - 84! Done!!

    Paperwork sent - waiting for license!!
    Still on a cloud and in shock. Through God, all things will happen.


    Determined CPA, I was just seeking general advice, thank you for your help!



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