Public Accounting Recruiters

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  • #176653

    I have gotten in contact with a few recruiters from PwC. This guy called me and said they have a need in X & Y locations and I said I was very interested. He only asked me if I had completed my Masters to which I said no, but I had my 150 hrs and CPA license already. I forwarded my college transcrips to him but have not heard back from him (this happened on Wed of last week). Any similar experiences? Should I just quit looking for a public accounting job? I’m getting very frustrated since I thought getting my license was going to put me in a better position to land an entry-level audit job, but turns out it has not made a difference. :/….I live in a small city but have literally applied everywhere…

    CPA for life...

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  • #404554

    You wanting Big4 only?

    ✓ AUD: (85) Apr2014 ~~ (87) Apr2016
    ✓ FAR: (74) Aug2015 ~~ (74) Oct2015 ~~ (79) Jun2016
    ✓ BEC: (77) Apr2015
    REG: ___


    Sunshine State as in Florida…I've applied to small, mid-size, and Big 4…Not strictly looking for Big 4 though…

    CPA for life...


    yeah for some reason people on this site like to say that MAccs aren't necessary but my senior manager asked me three days before i got my offer (during my internship) if I still planned on pursuing my MAcc. Most of the people I know that got B4 offers went to graduate school as well. I think they really like it…


    PwC and other big, do want masters generally. Most of my classmates were recruited by the end of MAcc especially those that were bilingual. However, undergrads that made to Big 4, were generally cute chicks, bright and social, so go figure 🙂

    Having that said, many of the hired, did not last most than 8 -11 months, don't ask me why. Perhaps it is not true in general but was a fluke in my graduating year.

    Becker Class of Jan - Aug 2013: FARB DONE!!!!
    CPA license pending 🙂



    Be a good boy (or girl) and do complete masters!

    I was discouraged by many folks who tried to tell me how it is going to be a waste of time, but low and behold, some of them now considering to get back to school and that is a tough decision once person had been out from school and got used to all the freedom and not studying for days on with no life whatsoever.

    I've graduated last summer and VERY pleased with the opportunities that MAcc had offered for me.

    Heck, I would consider doctorate if English was not my second language, I was younger and did not have family obligations.

    Dude, just do it! Seriously, life can wait.

    Becker Class of Jan - Aug 2013: FARB DONE!!!!
    CPA license pending 🙂


    I'm finishing my last three classes right now, actually, and I'm thrilled to be done with it. I am so burned out on papers it's not even funny. I'm trying to write one right now and I think I'd rather throw myself in front of a bus.

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