I worked in public accounting (audit) for 4 years in a strong regional firm.
Direct access/ interaction with the partners from Day 1.
The partners are directly involved in the audits and you are not just dealing with the manager.
Busy season not as many hours as a Big 4.
Opportunity to audit all B/S accounts in 1st year and not just maybe cash for 6 months.
Usually you are running the audits after 2 years and not still working on a small/specified portion.
The breadth of experience I had in interacting with clients from staff to CFO/board members in my four years.
CPE and exam (first-time) paid for by firm.
No overtime
“Bonus” was a joke and not transparent as to how it was calculated (seems odd in a CPA firm no less)
No experience with publicly traded companies
Having to deal with the partners directly when they all have very different demands on how they want the audit run/workpapers etc. (this is a pro and a con, I know)
One specific incident that comes to mind is an interaction I had with the cash accountant at an NFP client. She worked at a Big 4 for 1 year before being laid off during the downturn. She worked on 1 client almost the whole time and really only worked on auditing cash. Yet, she made some snide comment to our team about how “few” hours we had to work during our busy season.
I was thinking, bish please. You are working as a cash accounant at an NFP and I'm on my way to being a CPA who understands F/S from A/P expense to top-side entries.
So I guess the point of my story is that people from Big 4 can be very smug about their experience there. I had staff/senior candidiates come in to interview at my regional firm that were looking to move from a Big 4 and they were so smug during the interview and thought they had the job and we would just want to hire them then and there becasue they were from Big 4. Umm, yeah no. Some guy didn't even show up in a suit?!??!
Accounting is a “second career” for me and I was in industry for 5 years before going in to public accounting at age 30, so I think the regional firm worked out great for me.
However, if you have the opportunity to work at a BIg 4, ABSOLUTELY do it. As others have said, the name recognition and ability to work on SEC clients is worth it. Yes, you will hate your life while you are there, but after 3 ot 4 years, you can leave and have so many doors open to you!