1. Attitude is everything.
2.You don't know anything. Get used to it. Yes, I know you interned. You still don't know anything.
3. Don't ask when we're leaving. The Senior will tell you.
4. Flexibility starts after your busy season. It doesn't matter what HR says. We respect good work ethic and will give flexibility accordingly.
5. Ask questions, and bring notepad with you everywhere. Write stuff down in said notepad. Why? Refer to #2.
6. Have questions? Make a list until you can make no more progress. Also, when you ask questions, make sure to mention what you've done to try and figure your questions out. “Err…I just don't get it” is fine, but “Well I looked at PY, and noticed that it's different from CY because of ____. Also, I checked the audit plan and didn't see any mention of ____, which made me conclude ____” always looks better.
Even if you're way off (90% of the time you will be), at least it shows you attempted to find the answer before bothering your Senior. It shows us you're not wasting our time.
7. Ask, “Is here anything else I can do for you?” even after the Senior has told you to leave.
8. Get your CPA out of the way. Just F'in do it.
9. Do extra stuff. Most Big 4 have a wealth of info on specific industries. Look it up. Tell you Senior, “Hey, I finished so and so Computer Based Training on so-and-so industry. It really helped me understand our client.” Make sure to reming your Senior of that come review time.
10. It is ok to take long on stuff. Make sure to ask “How long should this task take me?” and co,communicate if you think it will take longer. Sometimes stuff changes and/or your Senior/Manager has forgotten what it was like to be a first year staff (basically you don't know crap).