Need advice for getting in at Big 4 and about Big 4 (career fair and BBQ soon) - Page 2

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  • #180578

    Basically I have a BBQ hosted by a big 4 company and a career fair I’m going to with all the big 4 going to within the next 2 months. Would either of these be a foot in the door for the Big 4? I graduated about six months ago and did good on my first part of the CPA exam. Is there anyway I could possibly score an interview with them and if not then how do you? I never had good luck with interview, internships, and stuff like that. People who had terrible GPAs and failed their CPA parts got job offers when I couldn’t even get a recruiter to speak to me. There has to be something I’m missing.

    I am having a ton of trouble getting a job despite having a Masters degree, high GPA, and high score on the CPA exam part I took(not sure if this even matters). I’m working hard labor for 10 bucks an hour which is pretty good pay and has career growth but I’m starting to worry about my back so I really need to get out.

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  • #461820

    @candlemassisawesome: I feel your pain. I got all the interviews I could get on campus in the semester I was graduating, but got no luck – probably because I was still enrolled in the MBA program and the CPA firms knew that combining evening classes with busy season was not an option…..Unfortunately, I was getting both degrees from the same university and simultanuously so there was no way to hide one of them….. However, I also applied for the state jobs and got a job offer! It's not my ideal career, but at least I get auditing related experience while taking CPA exams and now I am evaluating my future choices as far as my career goes…..

    So, my best advice would be to apply for ALL auditing/tax positions out there – even if it means a small CPA firm to start with – it's way better than manual labor and will get you closer to your goal. I know a few people who moved from regional CPA firms to Big 4…and I know WAY more people who moved from CPA firms to the state or corporate accounting… don't concentrate just on Big 4…..keep your options open!

    FAR: 81 (May 2013)
    BEC: 81 (July 2013)
    REG: 83 (August 2013)
    AUD: 82 (November 2013)
    California CPA since 1/30/14



    My advice is to be yourself. I know that's very cliche but accounting firms host these recruiting events to scout candidates that are a good fit for their firm. I used to work for one of the Big 4 and was part of their recruiting team. When I used to go to Meet the Firms, campus events, etc., I met a lot of students that looked excellent on paper but are socially awkward. They couldn't even hold a conversation. A big NO NO since being an auditor (I can only speak for auditors since I never did tax), you have to possess great interpersonal skills. Part of your job is to talk to people on a daily basis, may it be your client, team or interns. So relax, be yourself and enjoy 🙂



    My advice is to be yourself. I know that's very cliche but accounting firms host these recruiting events to scout candidates that are a good fit for their firm. I used to work for one of the Big 4 and was part of their recruiting team. When I used to go to Meet the Firms, campus events, etc., I met a lot of students that looked excellent on paper but are socially awkward. They couldn't even hold a conversation. A big NO NO since being an auditor (I can only speak for auditors since I never did tax), you have to possess great interpersonal skills. Part of your job is to talk to people on a daily basis, may it be your client, team or interns. So relax, be yourself and enjoy 🙂


    @tough kitty

    Youre right 2.9 isnt bad considering I finished my first semester with a 2.2 lol

    I wish I had taken school more seriously my first 2 yrs of college


    @tough kitty

    Youre right 2.9 isnt bad considering I finished my first semester with a 2.2 lol

    I wish I had taken school more seriously my first 2 yrs of college

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