MSA Graduation Delay, Big 4 Start in January – Help!

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  • #196746

    I’m an MSA grad student now, and I just took the FAR exam in August (anxiously waiting for the scores..). I will start working at a big 4 company in January, and I had planned to be finished with grad school at that time. However, I received word this week that the university decided to limit me to 6 credits this fall (putting me at 152 credits), and I will have to take the final 6 credits in the spring. It’s a long story, but I had some personal family issues during the summer and did not fare as well as I had hoped on my summer classes.

    All of my accounting classes will be done prior to January, and I will be able to take 8-week Saturday or evening classes to finish the degree. (The options for the last two classes are flexible. I can take them one at a time or together, either at the beginning or end of the semester.) My goal is to finish one or two more CPA exams, as I now have more time to study.

    My question is, will this be a problem to the company? How do I approach them with this news? For financial reasons, I cannot push back my starting date, so I would like to start as planned in January. The two remaining classes will not be difficult or time-consuming, and I am not concerned about needing a substantial amount of time for them. I have already had experience working in accounting during the busy season for the past two years, so I have an idea of what to expect work-wise. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

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