For one thing, you might not want to go alone otherwise, you'll probably be at the party tray section munching on some food while watching people chat away with recruiters.
One thing I do first, is start small and build confidence for the recruiters I come in contact with. Try talking to the Becker and Roger people just to get rid of any tensions you may have, who knows it may be fun! Then go with smaller CPA firms and eventually work yourself up to the Big 4 guys.
You want to be enthusiastic when you talk to these people, it's all small talk really and it shouldn't wander into the “so what's your greatest weakness” types of questions. Also note there are people waiting behind you to speak with the recruiters, so introduce yourself chat for a good 3-5 minutes if possible, and if you feel like the conversation is going nowhere or losing its spark, just close it out by saying “I would like to keep in contact with you, do you happen to have a business card I can hold onto?”
Make it fun, like your life depends on finding a job!
REG = 58 (02-20-13), 75 (05-01-13)
AUD = 67 (05-29-13), 79 (08-29-13)
BEC = 83 (07-31-13)
FAR = 72 (10-29-13), 69 (02-27-14), 73 (04-16-14), 81(08-13-14)
Study Materials = Becker 2013 + Wiley Online Test Bank
(75%) On my Way to a CPA (minus the experience requirement)!