KPMG Experienced Hire

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  • #203596

    So I have applied for many jobs at KPMG.I did not apply at once and got rejected. However, I feel that they reject me faster than ever before. For example, I applied for a job last Friday night and got rejected at 9:30 am in Monday morning. This is too fast. If I apply more, will I be blacklisted? I am so frustrated, I can not get interviews even when someone referred me to big 4. Idk what to do.

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  • Author
  • #786285
    Last Chance CPA

    I re-interviewed with a Big 4 company I used to work at, obtained a solid referral from the East Coast partner for West Coast work, subsequently interviewed with and received a verbal “yes” from the West Coast team…and didn't get the job in the end.

    That should give you perspective on how things go sometimes, especially at Big 4.

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 75
    BEC - 75
    REG - 76

    Now I need some experience!!! And some networking...


    That sucks. So what exactly do we need to do. My friend, a senior associate, referred me but I got rejected because I did not have m&a experience although I have one year tax experience. Should I network with managers and partners or just apply online?


    zchen – can you give some more perspective on your work history, the jobs you're applying to, etc.?

    From your 2nd post, it looks like you're applying as an experienced hire for M&A jobs but have tax experience only (and just 1 year of that). Could that be the issue? When they're hiring for experienced hire, they're wanting someone with experience in the job they're hiring. Tax experience is good, but a year of tax is still somewhat “getting your feet wet”. It might qualify you as an experienced hire for tax, but probably isn't enough to qualify as experienced hire for M&A. If you want to get into M&A, you'll probably need more experience in tax, or see if there's some entry-level M&A (I'm not real familiar with M&A, so not sure if entry-level M&A is available or not). However, my guesses about your work history and what you're applying for are all based on just a few words in your second post. So, answer my questions at the start of this post and people who are familiar with the B4 may be able to advise better.

    Getting instantly rejected – repeatedly and despite a referral – would indicate that there's something majorly wrong with what HR is seeing after you apply, and if we can get to the root of what that is, we might be able to advise you on how to correct that.


    What jobs are you applying for? Knowing a senior associate won't allow you to skip the basic requirements–one year of tax experience is not comparable to M&A experience.

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    Hi, thank you for your advice.
    I have one year tax experience. My job responsibilities include:Provide tax compliance and planning services; prepare federal and state tax returns for S-corporations, C-corporations, partnerships, nonprofit organizations and individuals;Create Offer in Compromise; make payment plans based on clients’ financial conditions and expectations;Calculate estimated corporate tax; pay monthly income tax withholding and file quarterly federal and state returns.
    The job I applied for is M & A experienced associate. After I got rejected, I contacted the recruiter and she admitted it was due to the lack of one year M &A experience. Now I am trying to land an experienced tax job at big 4, not necessary m&a tax.

    Last Chance CPA

    acamp is right, if the experience doesn't translate exactly, they won't consider you.

    I tried another way to get back into this Big 4 that rejected me as a rehire (same Big 4 you are concerned about BTW), by getting into IT Audit. I was in IT Advisory as part of the Tech Enablement team, but I did recently pass the CPA exams. I also told them I am working on my CISA. Sooooo after getting a verbal “yes” by this Big 4 and then getting rejected for IT Advisory work, they said I could interview with the IT Audit, but with a $65K pay cut…oh and no relocation or sign-on bonus. BTW I am at a senior manager level in IT Advisory. Perspective.

    They can suck it at this point. I am moving on. You gotta just keep networking or move on. Blind submissions rarely work…

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 75
    BEC - 75
    REG - 76

    Now I need some experience!!! And some networking...


    So recently I reached out to a recruiter who interviewed me last year and referred me to other office. I asked her to forward my resume to the appropriate recruiter for a specific position. She said they would contact me soon. However, it has been a week and I have not heard anything. When should I follow up?

    Last Chance CPA


    FAR - 76
    AUD - 75
    BEC - 75
    REG - 76

    Now I need some experience!!! And some networking...


    My buddy at Deloitte is a senior and put me as his number one choice and I still didn't even get a first round when all the other Big Four's gave me that chance. Don't bank on a senior associate for a job, but also you should look for a tax position not the other one you were looking into.

    FAR = 86 4/22/16
    BEC = 80 6/01/16
    REG = 07/26/16
    AUD = ?


    I feel big 4 are not hiring experienced tax associates right now. Not many jobs I can apply


    You need to try during recruiting season. I was a full time hire at a Big Four without an internship, but I applied during their recruiting season.

    FAR = 86 4/22/16
    BEC = 80 6/01/16
    REG = 07/26/16
    AUD = ?


    zchen – Are you a CPA and if not, are you done with the exam? B4 experience hires are usually candidates with a CPA or have made serious progression towards passing the exam. Unfortunately, right now is the worst time to look for a job with the B4 firms. Best time is late Q3, early Q4 leading up into busy season and possibly middle of Q2 when people leave after busy season. For experienced hires, if you do not have very similar experience in the industries they're looking for, you will get passed easily because there are probably at least 20 other candidates with the required experience. Best advice for you is keep looking for positions that are relevant to your experience or try to get in as a new hire during the fall recruiting experience. If you are having no luck with the B4, try a mid sized national firm like RSM or Grant Thornton who hire on the same schedules with the B4, but are more open to hire people with less relevant experience. Good luck with your search.


    Thank you for your advice. I passed all sections of CPA when I was in graduate school. I will apply for a license in October. Most of my clients are coming from real estate. Should I mention it in my resume? Unfortunately, as a foreign, midsized firms like RSM do not sponsor even if I get h1b visa


    have you looked at Dixon Hughes Goodman?

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    Hi monikernc, thank you for the link. I will look at it

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