Is Finishing Exams before first day of Public Accounting a Must!?

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  • #203228

    I’m starting full time at a national accounting firm in NYC in the fall. Just out of curiosity, what percentage of your co-workers/first years started work with having completed all of their exams? I’m sure it really varies based on firm and city. Thanks in advance

    FAR- 79 2/29/2016

    AUD- 93 4/20/2016

    BEC- 85 6/10/2016

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  • #783793

    You're so close, just take REG and be done! Besides, you'll really want to be done with the exams before your first busy season. While all your co-workers are going home to study after 10-12 hour days, you'll be able to get some sleep or work more and be a star!


    Definitely not a must to have them all complete before your first day and there really isn’t too high of a percentage that do have them complete before starting. However, it definitely goes a long way rolling in on day 1 with the exams complete.

    FAR: 80 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    REG: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    BEC: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    AUD: 8/27/16

    PA Candidate


    @jm962: I completely agree and that is 100% my goal. Starting in November so i'm anticipating being completely done by my first day.

    @Andyred: Makes sense, really am just trying to gauge how impressive it is for a first year to start with having all exams completed with my logic being if a lot of first years start with their exams completed, it wouldn't be as impressive.

    FAR- 79 2/29/2016

    AUD- 93 4/20/2016

    BEC- 85 6/10/2016

    Pony Boy

    Same boat, same feeling. Let's make it happen OP!

    REG (02/2016)- PASS
    BEC (04/2016)- PASS
    FAR (06/2016)- PASS
    AUD (08/2016)-

    "Stay Gold, PonyBoy, Stay Gold"


    I passed BEC and FAR working full time. I studied for far during busy season (F@$%).

    Get it done before working, if you can. Especially if you are commuting from Long Island. You will not regret it.


    I am done with 3 exams and I am starting in public in September (large local firm with many Big 4 partners). My hiring partner is really impressed that I am almost done. I have met a lot of my peers (1st and 2nd year associates) and they have either not attempted the exam or they haven't had time to take subsequent exams. I have kids, so I absolutely need to finish this exam before I start working, I am pretty sure that it will save my sanity!

    the LAST Coffee

    Not important. In fact, I'd say getting 1 or 2 exams done by start day as impressive. But 3? With 2 months of free time?

    That's God-given wish that any CPA-exam takers would kill for. Trust me, get REG out of the way before you start working.

    FAR 84 (AUG '15)
    BEC 83 (AUG '15)
    AUD 79 (OCT '15)
    REG 71, 78! (NOV '15, FEB '16)



    FAR- 79 2/29/2016

    AUD- 93 4/20/2016

    BEC- 85 6/10/2016


    I finished FAR the week before I started, and finished the other 3 within 8 months. It was brutal; going through the first busy season and studying at the same time was the hardest thing I've ever done. If I had to do it all over again, I would finish before I started. Just my $.02

    FAR: 82 (Becker) 07/09/2014
    AUD: 80 (Becker) 10/01/2014
    BEC: 76 (Becker) 11/26/2014
    REG: 82 (Becker) 02/16/2015

    GA Licensed CPA 8/7/2015

    CISA: 564 (PASSED) 6/11/2016 - Certification pending


    Just curious because I've been in industry since I graduated college. When you are hired by Big 4 or large firms and they give you a start date of Aug/Sept, are you paid until the start date or do you guys work part time for money in the mean time and paid once you start with the firm?

    Always wondered that. My thought is you don't get paid until you're on the clock for them, but I've seen/heard a few older folks (read:those with families, mortgages, payments of some sort) mention it that got into public accounting late and seems like that'd be a shock on the family income responsibilities.

    FAR - Aug 2015 (58), Feb 2016 (81)
    BEC - May 2016 (79)
    AUD - Jul 2016
    REG - Aug 2016


    I am starting in September at a public accounting firm that is not big 4 or national. You do not get paid until you start. If you needed income you would have to get a job in the meantime.


    REG was the only section I studied while having a full-time job. Like everyone said, do it before you start. Instead of going to the gym or relaxing after work, I had to force myself to study. It wasn't fun but the only positive was that it was during the winter when there's less incentive to go out.


    When does busy season start exactly? Reason why I asked is because I am planning to schedule FAR for Jan and hoping it is my last part. I am in tax and only done a summer internship so not quite sure when things start picking up. Thanks for the response.
    And Good Luck to OP!



    Busy season starts mid of January to April 15th, precisely .

    FAR May 2012 81 (lost credit, didn't sit for other sections.)
    FAR 86 Aug 2015
    AUD 85 Nov 2015
    BEC 84 Dec 2015
    REG 78 Mar 2016

    Passed ALL sections in first attempt!!


    I've heard horror stories of people trying to finish while in public accounting. I personally will only have AUD left (assuming I pass REG) when I start work. Since I'm going into Audit I felt this would be the easiest to do.

    FAR = 86 4/22/16
    BEC = 80 6/01/16
    REG = 07/26/16
    AUD = ?

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