Intern failed class

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  • #199667
    Tom White

    I am interning at one of the Big 4 in audit. Last semester I failed a class, which has ruined my GPA. The Big 4 firm I am interning at is not yet aware of this. My GPA was around 3.6 and now it is around 2.9. I want to receive an offer for full-time employment so, so, so, so badly. Is there any hope?

    If I perform perfectly on the job and form strong relationships with others on my team will they overlook ONE bad grade and give me an offer? Perhaps the offer could be contingent on improving my GPA dramatically (straight As for the rest of school until I graduate)?

    Any advice on how to maximize my chances of getting an offer besides being a great intern?

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  • #755535

    Since you already are interning, I don't think this will affect your chances of getting a full time offer. I interned at my firm and was offered a full time position. As long as this doesn't impact your graduation date. They are not going to ask for your resumé again. Out of curiosity, how did one class lower your GPA that much?

    AUD 93 Jan 16
    BEC 83 Feb 16
    FAR 83 Apr 16
    REG 84 May 16

    99% Ninja MCQ only


    I did not intern with the Big 4 but from other people's stories, I can tell you this: if the failed course is accounting related, that's a big no no. I believe there are certain stipulations in the contract such as you can't fail an accounting course or can't go below a certain GPA. They even ask for your transcripts at some point.

    Maybe someone with Big 4 internship to new hiree experience can give better insight.

    Tom White

    The class I failed is an accounting class, but my other accounting classes are all Bs and above.

    The reason my GPA dropped so much is because I have not many classes overall (it's a masters program).

    I cannot begin to explain how depressed I am about this whole situation.

    Is there anything I can do?


    Are you going back for another semester, or would you be starting right away if you got a full time offer? If you're going back for another semester, retaking the class should replace the F with the new grade…

    AUD 93 Jan 16
    BEC 83 Feb 16
    FAR 83 Apr 16
    REG 84 May 16

    99% Ninja MCQ only


    I was going to suggest what @Biff said. See if there's any way you can re-take the course to replace the “F” with something else. Even a “D” would be better. You might be able to do it as an independent study course for Spring II semester (presuming you're in school right now and Add/Drop for Spring is already past), or take it over the summer, etc. Replacing the F with a different grade would be well worth it to bring the GPA back up and just not have to worry about it.

    Tom White

    I can retake the class but I cannot have my new grade replace the F. it is so unfortunate.

    If I do a great job as an intern will they consider giving me an offer?

    How should I address it? Should I bring this up with HR now or wait until later after I have good reviews of my job performance?

    Is there any chance they will overlook this ONE class and give me an offer or should I move on in life?


    If you do a great job as an intern (i.e. show them that your capable of doing the work) and they don't hire you for failing 1 course, F*ck'em, and apply somewhere else. I've hired people with a 3.0 and and actual hands on experience over people with 4.0 GPAs and no experience and it hasn't bit me in the ass yet! Good luck!



    If you can't replace the grade, there's nothing you can do except move on, and do your best at work to show them you are deserving of an offer. I am curious though – do you know why you failed the class? Was it because it was over your head, or because you didn't spend enough time studying? You need to understand why you failed so you can take corrective action and not do it again AND to be able to explain it to your employer or another, if they ask about your GPA. The good news is that I don't think employers are placing as much emphasis on GPA as they used to. They are looking for more well rounded people who have real life experience. People make mistakes – if you do a good job in your internship and can explain why you failed, and what you learned from it, you have a good chance at either getting an offer from them or from somewhere else. Good luck!

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16

    Tom White

    Thanks to everyone for the replies thus far.

    Does anyone have specific knowledge of someone who was in my situation (or a similar situation) at a Big 4 firm? If so what was the outcome? I am trying to understand what to expect for a variety of reasons that I can't go into on a public forum.


    yes! there is plenty of hope


    They COULD pull an offer at the end of the next term when you submit your transcripts, but likely won't know or care if they simply wait until you graduate to get a final transcript. Most will check to make sure you earned your degree and see your final GPA. If it meets the firm's requirements, then no one will care.

    You may have a call with your partner when they do find out (again, likely at the end of the next semester or right before your start date when they get an updated transcript). Most offers have something along the lines of “Must maintain academic standing as of final graduation date” in the offer letter… translated, this basically means you need to get back to a 3.0 minimum when you graduate. Since you are already an intern, the grades won't matter unless you drop below a 3.0 in your core major coursework because some large firms have policies that you need “special approval” to be able to start anyway.


    You need to go ahead and tell them now. Good things will not come if they find out later that you were not honest. Integrity and facing the situation will bode better for you than trying to explain it later. Food for thought.


    My vote would be to nail the internship and ace school from here out. They shouldn't ask for transcripts until they want to confirm your graduation right before you get hired. The big emphasis on grades is really to get the internship more so than keep an already extended offer.

    As someone above mentioned, you really need to understand why you failed to one, not do it again, but two, to be ready to discuss if it comes up.

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