How to network with big 4 - Page 2

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  • #199051

    Hi guys, I decide to move on and try to get into big 4 through experience hire next year. So how should I network with big 4 professionals in the next few months. What should I do after I connect them on linkedin.

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  • #752110

    I currently have about 1 year of A/R and A/P experience
    and about 1 year of staff accountant at not for profit experience

    about to get my CPA license and I cant get an interview with any mid size here in NYC…

    I just got an offer from small local firm. Plan to work there for a year and try to jump to mid size/b4

    FAR - 76*, 73, 85
    BEC - 69, 72, 78*, 80
    AUD - 72, 71, 90
    REG - 71, 74, 85



    No, actually when I applied to Grant Thornton, BDO and McGladrey, they made it clear that they would not sponsor visa, which limited my choice to big 4. I was not lucky. After my phone interview with EY, they promised to give me office visit. But they did not. Instead they referred me to other office and ended up no interviews. After my interview with Deloitte, they just canceled the job. My problem is there are not a lot of audit engagement at my firm because they focus on tax. So far they are the only firm that promises to sponsor visa.


    If you're not a campus hire, the best way that I've seen to break into Big 4 is via a referral from a peer. Because there's a cash bonus tied to successfully recruiting an experienced hire, it shouldn't take a lot of convincing to get someone to pass on your resume. Tap into your network – did you go to college with anyone who ended up at a Big 4 or anyone who's in your community who has ties to a Big 4? Reach out to them.

    Also, try applying right before busy season (Oct-Dec) when there's the highest amount of turnover. That may open up opportunities.


    Thank you for your advice. My school is not a big 4's target school to hire auditors. Few alumni work in audit or tax, but many work in advisory or consulting at big 4. So in which months are there many openings for experienced hire at big.


    You certainly could ask the Alumni Relations office at your school for their contact information, and then reach out to them. Or you could contact the Career Center at your school and ask if they have any leads.

    I've noticed that many experienced hires are hired in October, November, and December.


    Yeah, I will do from now on. A lot of things to do

    Sir Ivalis

    I start at a big 4 in January and it was through the campus hire process. My recruiter was telling us through the interview process that if we didn't get the job in this cycle, to go get public experience anywhere, then apply in a year or two because they are -starved- for experienced hires.

    If you are currently in public accounting and that job is sponsoring you, I would stay there long enough to get your visa sorted which would also give you the experience you need to be a solid experienced hire.

    REG - 81
    FAR - April 13th (73), TBD
    AUD - July 6th
    BEC - TBD


    Guys, my current assignments are about tax returns, loan modification, bank reconciliation and review service. But my interest is audit. Will I have chance to get into big 4 through experienced hire based on my current job


    The best way to get sponsorship is by being a stem major, i was told that by a PWC recruiter.


    Yeah, I was told by a PwC recruiter too. It is absurd. First of all, STEM Majors students usually can not meet accounting credits to sit for CPA exam. Thus how can they do audit and tax? Second, even if they can, OPT requires to do jobs relevant to majors, they definitely can not do audit/tax.


    You might be better off trying to get into tax ba audit since your current experience is in tax. If you are coming in as an experienced hire in audit then your current experience has to have some relevance in audit. You have to think how your current experience translates to audit and rework your resume. Based on the experience you paired if I was looking at resumes for audit jobs I would look at your resume and think tax. You have to think outside the box and sell yourself for the audit role. Go to networking events by your CPA society if you are a member. I also reached out to recruiters through LinkedIn. LinkedIn would do 30 day trial for free and I would sign up so I could send recruiters mail when I saw job postings. Also be personable. Audit is all about making sure you fit in with the team.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    I am going to meet a managing director this Friday? Can anyone give me some advice? What should I do during the conversation? What are good questions?


    That looks like an interview in disguise. Obviously he'll ask you about your career goals blah blah ,but try to ask him what it took to get where he is or something of that nature. Then you'll probably notice that he will go on and on and on, talking endlessly. They love to here themselves talk. The key is to try to have a long conversation. If you guys end up talking about something other than accounting, even better. By the way, do you already have your 150? In my state you can't work full time for the top public accounting firms without it.


    thank you! and yes I have more than 150 credits


    Check out the 2015 or 2016 H1B Visa Reports, the reports provide raw data on approved visa for accounting and other fields . I hope that gives you an idea on what to look for if you need sponsorship.

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