How to get in big 4 from small CPA firm - Page 2

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  • #1563465

    Hello everyone, I am thinking to go to big firms and I am kind of obsessed with big 4 for its high profile clients and national name recognition. I have some questions. Any advice will be deeply appreciated!

    I am doing audit at a small CPA firm (around 150 employees), finished 2nd busy season and passed all CPA exams. With the current firm, even my boss is very satisfied with my performance, he is not likely to promote me to senior until I finish 3rd busy season, which is next year. Promoting to senior after three years is like a routine at this firm. But I feel I’ve been taking more responsibilities (such as be in charge of small engagements, preparing concurring review and reporting) than a second year would normally takes. I wonder if I should consider go to big 4 after get promoted so that I may get hired as a senior. If I apply audit in big 4 now, which level will they put me in? A1, A2 or senior. Or which position should I apply? If I leave this firm and go to big 4, assuming still in audit, it does not mean I need to start over as first year associates, right?

    I also wonder how I should approach. I am thinking to reach out couple of my contacts in big 4. Should I reach out at least senior? Or manager? How open are they to people, like me, approaching for possible referring opportunity?

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  • Author
  • #1565287

    Good luck Amanda – seems like you have a lot of motivation to succeed. Let us know how it goes.

    AUD - passed
    REG - passed
    BEC - passed
    FAR - passed


    What is the best way to network into a Big 4 firm from a small one?

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