How to Disclose GPA / Resume Advice

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  • #181119

    I graduated from a top university in the area with a degree in Economics. Unfortunately there was no accounting major at my school. After graduating I took the necessary accounting courses online for a year and am currently sitting for the CPA exam. I expect to have 3 of four sections passed as I start to send my resume out.

    I had a 3.0 (actually 2.99) GPA through my undergraduate studies, but my GPA in the 24 units of accounting courses was a 3.7. From anyone who has any knowledge on what recruiters are looking for, how should I disclose my GPA on my resume that looks best without sending up any red flags. I ideally want to highlight my better accounting GPA as it’s far more relevant than my undergraduate GPA (I spent a great deal of time as a film/tech major), but I also don’t want to fail the standard GPA requirements to even be considered for a position.

    I also had a rather interesting year following my graduation that led to what might be perceived as a strange timeline on my resume. Long story short, extenuating personal circumstances forced me to leave my employment at a mortgage company early (being employed for about 5 months total), It was for this reason I took accounting classes online as opposed to a more “prestigious” institution and also explains a recent gap in my employment, of about 6 months now – the time I spent to knock out my CPA exams. Should I detail these events on a cover letter or leave any explaining for the interview (assuming I get that far).

    Any advice from individuals who understand the hiring process would be greatly appreciated. I feel like I am a quality candidate and would like, at the very least, the opportunity to sit down for an interview. I just don’t want to shoot myself in the foot during the recruiting process by saying something I shouldn’t.

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  • #459123

    Use the term “accounting GPA” on your résumé. It is not misleading, but you might be asked what your undergrad GPA was, since it doesn't sound like you have any formal accounting degree.

    Also, what school did you get your accounting credits from? I personally don't think it makes a difference, but recruiters might not particularly love the online courses. Granted having some or all the CPA tests passed will counter act that to some degree.

    Definitely have a cover letter and good explanation ready for your “interesting year”. Recruiters don't like question marks, so be prepared to explain your transition into accounting and the gaps in your employment and how you utilized that time to better yourself for a role in accounting. I got asked a lot why I switched to accounting (non acc undergrad, acc grad school).

    Also, if you are looking for public, this is the time of year to get your resume out, don't wait. If you aren't, timing is less relevant.

    Good luck!



    Use the term “accounting GPA” on your résumé. It is not misleading, but you might be asked what your undergrad GPA was, since it doesn't sound like you have any formal accounting degree.

    Also, what school did you get your accounting credits from? I personally don't think it makes a difference, but recruiters might not particularly love the online courses. Granted having some or all the CPA tests passed will counter act that to some degree.

    Definitely have a cover letter and good explanation ready for your “interesting year”. Recruiters don't like question marks, so be prepared to explain your transition into accounting and the gaps in your employment and how you utilized that time to better yourself for a role in accounting. I got asked a lot why I switched to accounting (non acc undergrad, acc grad school).

    Also, if you are looking for public, this is the time of year to get your resume out, don't wait. If you aren't, timing is less relevant.

    Good luck!




    Thanks a lot for the advice! I'm definitely going to ramp up my efforts in getting my resume out sooner rather than later.

    I got my accounting credits from Santa Monica College, which has a campus and online component. I could have chosen to attend a couple other schools for a masters in accountancy, but I figured it wasn't very practical given I was working full time and all I needed was 24 units (1yr) of classes to sit while many MAcc programs were 2. Also financially a MAcc was not a viable option for me at the time. I'm hoping that passing the CPA exams will demonstrate my understanding of the material more than the classes.



    Thanks a lot for the advice! I'm definitely going to ramp up my efforts in getting my resume out sooner rather than later.

    I got my accounting credits from Santa Monica College, which has a campus and online component. I could have chosen to attend a couple other schools for a masters in accountancy, but I figured it wasn't very practical given I was working full time and all I needed was 24 units (1yr) of classes to sit while many MAcc programs were 2. Also financially a MAcc was not a viable option for me at the time. I'm hoping that passing the CPA exams will demonstrate my understanding of the material more than the classes.

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