Heading into my first busy season! Any advice?

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  • #1406409

    Hello everyone,

    I am heading into my first busy season at a big 4 firm and would love it if I could get your expert advice.

    What kind of advice would you give to me as a first year associate heading into their first busy season? It can be anything. Advice on anything from note-taking, task management, to even snacks and exercise would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • #1406417

    Great topic. Im in the same both and would appreciate for any advice as well. I would also like to add is there a specific amount of hours I should hit.. I was told stay at work for at least 10 hours per day… is that true?



    The amount of hours per day really depends on the firm, to be honest. During my first busy season (last year), I was averaging anywhere between 10.5 to 12.5 hours a day. You'll get a feel for it after a while.

    I would highly recommend exercise. Even something like yoga, just to try and relive stress. And, keep up on sleep; trust me, it will be worth it. Don't sacrifice that.


    Use your CPA exam knowledge to impress your superiors. Read over your employment agreement and stay on point. Have fun and be friendly 🙂


    LOL ^ I can't tell if thats a serious post or sarcasm @brickell. I have been working for almost 6 months and have yet to even tie in these CPA studies to my work. I mean yea I do M1 reconciliation here and there so it relates a little with REG but other than that its like book vs real world.. completely different. LOL

    I agree being friendly is very important. Heard some people were not given job offers who I interned with a year ago because they think they were superior/condescending in a way. Thanks for the info. Guess will play by ear with the hours.



    I haven't worked for any Big 4 firms, but worked in a mid-sized public firm for 4 years before switching to governmental:

    -Make sure you make notes of what you struggled with this year so you'll be better prepared for next year. This helped me tremendously.
    -Since it's your first year, don't be afraid of asking for help if you need it – no one at your firm knew how to handle everything when they first started! The more you ask now, the better you'll look to management.
    -If you have been at the office for over 14 hours and you feel your brain can't function, it's probably because it needs rest haha. Listen to your body.
    -Get out of the office on your lunch break and clear your mind. It's nice to go out and socialize with coworkers but sometimes all they do is talk about work gossip or complain about clients. I felt the most recharged when I went out alone and did something that I enjoy. There was a driving range right down the road from me so I hit a bucket of balls and felt so much better when I came back.

    Good luck! This is my first year not having a “tax season” – I'm not sure what I'll do with myself!


    @Spartans92 – very true. Your first and even second year will be a lot of monotonous work to help you get acquainted with the files and software and general nature of the work basically. Also to determine how you perform behaviorally in the organization.

    But if you know how to tie in what you learned in the exams and in school, then that is definitely a step ahead of others who may be focused on the wrong thing.

    If you are working for a larger firm, be familiar that you will be working in teams with all different types of personalities, but you should always focus on doing your job and doing it well. Does not mean you cannot have fun, but you don't want to get under the wrong person's skin.

    The majority of accountants are pretty much expendable through the first 5-6 years, so if you want to do well and get ahead, you will get out out of the public accounting experience what you put in or your employer will just find someone else.


    Thanks @brickell, great word of wisdom! 🙂

    , haha right that tends to be the topic when you go out with some coworkers.. if they're guys guess sports is a very common one too.



    Keep your head down and don't look at anyone until 4/15.


    Just keep it in perspective. I hear a lot of lamenting the hours which are admitted many but there are tons of people trying to make ends meet working that many or more hours with 2-3 jobs and for them that season doesn't end after a few months. Deep breath and know you'll survive and have stories to tell!

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Start drinking to increase your alcohol tolerance level.


    ^ This.

    – Be personable, willing to learn as well as ask for help. You're going to make mistakes but everyone else did starting out so dont beat yourself up
    – Refer to prior year, but dont rely on it as gospel
    – Dont bury yourself in work, exercise and sleep are just as important
    – Happy Hour, Happy hour, happy hour
    – Make small things/events during the week so you have something to look forward to. Helped me a ton grabbing a drink with a friend or dinner with my girlfriend on a random Wednesday or something after work

    In summation, work life balance is pretty much the key to busy season and not getting burnt out


    Go up to the partner/manager/senior above you and say the following: I am willing to learn anything you want to teach me.

    When you have nothing to do say this to the people above. Do you need help with anything, or would you like to teach me anything?

    BEC: 75 lost credit, could not pass far 🙁
    AUD: 76 lost credit could not pass far 🙁
    FAR: 74, FML. Next exam 06/14/23
    REG: 75 lost credit could not pass far 🙁


    Thanks for all of the great advice so far!

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