Experienced Associate question - Page 2

  • Creator
  • #185685

    Random question. I see a lot of job postings for experienced associates at the big 4 and a few require someone with a masters degree and 1 year minimum experience. I am 45 days away from completing my MSA and am wondering can i apply to experienced associate jobs and should i apply?

    AUD- FEB 2014
    BEC- APR 2014
    FAR- MAY 2014
    REG- AUG 2014

    Using Wiley CPA Exam Review and Ninja Notes
    May the "Force" be with me!

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  • Author
  • #554793

    @HardWork is right, you probably wouldn't get the job because of the competition you'd be up against, but the experience of an interview would be well worth it, if they call you. Talking with recruiters on the phone is a skill and every chance to hone it is worth it, I think. Give it a shot. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Just don't be discouraged if you don't hear back. Good luck!

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