Experience requirement – anyone else with foreign Big 4 experience?

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  • #159370

    I’m a PA candidate (I only had 124 credits from college thus I picked PA) and I was told that the PA board considers foreign Big 4 experience when assessing your experience. The PA board is stating that it still requires the experience verification signature from a US CPA.


    I worked for a Big 4 firm in London for 3 years (which accordingly should be considered then). However, the majority of partners of the UK firm are Chartered Accountants, not CPAs. Surely there will be a few partners who are CPAs and currently work in London – could they sign off on my experience?


    I suppose my question ultimately boils down to this – can ANY partner of a Big 4 firm sign off on your experience even if you were not directly supervised by that person?


    For you guys at large firms here in the US – is there a designated partner who signs off on your experience or do you request a signature for the one person you were supervised for? If the latter is the case, you may end up with multiple signatures as you may not have worked enough hours for any one person.


    Has anyone else come across this? Please help me! Thanks in advance.n


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  • Author
  • #259146

    In my Big4 office there is one partner that signs off on most of the experience forms. So theoretically, yes, you could get someone in your firm to sign off if you meet the internal firm guidelines for experience.n


    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    In my Big4 office there is one partner that signs off on most of the experience forms. So theoretically, yes, you could get someone in your firm to sign off if you meet the internal firm guidelines for experience.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86

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