Experience for job change

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  • #1467433

    Hi everyone, I wanna interview for a tax job at big 4 but do not have experience in the same industry, how difficult is it for me to switch to another industry? Such as from Real estate tax to financial services tax? If it is difficult, what can I do? Also, if a job requires a strong accounting knowledge such as ASC 740 but my job is irrelevant, what should I do?

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  • #1472606


    ahem. sorry. Yeah, not easy at all. I have looked for a job at a CPA firm for over 1.5 years before I finally “gave up”. I accepted a job as a controller in industry.

    I've spent the past 17 years in a completely different type of work.


    So my friend referred an experienced international tax position. I have two years tax experience but not international tax. What should I say when recruiter asks if I have international tax experience?


    You tell the truth. Looking at your resume they will know you don't have international tax experience.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.

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