Effect of public accounting on love life - Page 3

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  • #184190

    This is primarily a therapeutic post.

    A girl told me recently that she didn’t want to go out with me again because I told her I decided to stay in public accounting (audit). She was former Big4 and knows how audit is with hours, stress, etc.

    This gets me wondering…why am I doing this? I don’t intend to someday be a partner who makes lots of money but also works 7 days a week. I don’t want to be a GL accountant, controller, or internal auditor. I got this job to open doors, but there are few doors I would want to walk through. And why stay in public any longer when it’s not sustainable (i.e. destroys chances of forming a relationship)?

    Any one else have similar thoughts/experience?

    Thanks for reading my ramblings.

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  • #523853

    I agree with everyone else. If she was the right one she wouldn't have given up so easily simply because you work too much. My husband was a waiter when I met him and pretty much told me that he loved it and probably would do that forever. He is now a hair stylist, but he has always kept a waiter job as a second job because he does love it. We've been together 14 years and he has been amazingly supportive in my career goals. He supported me while I went to graduate school and he is wonderful at keeping our house in order, while working two jobs, so I can work and go through this CPA nightmare. The thought of being with an accountant is frightening and sounds incredibly boring, but that's how I feel about most men with white collar jobs. Only one of us needs to be stuck behind a desk forever. You'll find the right person and she won't care if you work in public accounting or serve food for a living. The girl you were dating sounds needy. Figure out what you want and go after it with a vengance!


    I agree with everyone else. If she was the right one she wouldn't have given up so easily simply because you work too much. My husband was a waiter when I met him and pretty much told me that he loved it and probably would do that forever. He is now a hair stylist, but he has always kept a waiter job as a second job because he does love it. We've been together 14 years and he has been amazingly supportive in my career goals. He supported me while I went to graduate school and he is wonderful at keeping our house in order, while working two jobs, so I can work and go through this CPA nightmare. The thought of being with an accountant is frightening and sounds incredibly boring, but that's how I feel about most men with white collar jobs. Only one of us needs to be stuck behind a desk forever. You'll find the right person and she won't care if you work in public accounting or serve food for a living. The girl you were dating sounds needy. Figure out what you want and go after it with a vengance!


    I can't imagine working more than a slight amount of OT. Even before I was married/had kids, I didn't want to do it. Thankfully I have been mucho fortunate in the career dept. As for a spouse that works a lot of OT, I don't think so. Not with both of us working. My husband coaches little league, basketball, and cooks dinner every night (I clean up after him which is a BIG DEAL, guys). Most of the women in my town stay at home while their husbands work (operators at refineries. They make 6 figures {with a high school degree, btw}) but literally have like 1 day off a month. Hells no.

    Other opportunities are out there that pay what you want and have the schedule you want.

    FAR - 87 2/18/14
    AUD - 84 4/2/14
    REG - 87 7/23/14
    BEC - 78 8/26/14

    I'm finally an *official* CPA - TX


    I can't imagine working more than a slight amount of OT. Even before I was married/had kids, I didn't want to do it. Thankfully I have been mucho fortunate in the career dept. As for a spouse that works a lot of OT, I don't think so. Not with both of us working. My husband coaches little league, basketball, and cooks dinner every night (I clean up after him which is a BIG DEAL, guys). Most of the women in my town stay at home while their husbands work (operators at refineries. They make 6 figures {with a high school degree, btw}) but literally have like 1 day off a month. Hells no.

    Other opportunities are out there that pay what you want and have the schedule you want.

    FAR - 87 2/18/14
    AUD - 84 4/2/14
    REG - 87 7/23/14
    BEC - 78 8/26/14

    I'm finally an *official* CPA - TX


    OP – the right one will come around. I have a wife who would love for me to be home at a decent hour during tax season, but she never complains because she knows where it will get us in the future. Families have to choose to weather the storm together, and that makes them stronger. On April 15, I will have been married 8 years to my best friend, and yes, we married on April 15. Not on purpose, it was just the best date to get everyone together. She is my best friend as well as my wife. You will find the person who will be the “Mustard on your Hot Dog.”

    CPA EXAM: DONE!!!!
    Ethics Course: Passed
    Application Mailed: 3/16/15
    Professional Conduct Exam: 97
    Certification Date: 4/2/15!!!


    OP – the right one will come around. I have a wife who would love for me to be home at a decent hour during tax season, but she never complains because she knows where it will get us in the future. Families have to choose to weather the storm together, and that makes them stronger. On April 15, I will have been married 8 years to my best friend, and yes, we married on April 15. Not on purpose, it was just the best date to get everyone together. She is my best friend as well as my wife. You will find the person who will be the “Mustard on your Hot Dog.”

    CPA EXAM: DONE!!!!
    Ethics Course: Passed
    Application Mailed: 3/16/15
    Professional Conduct Exam: 97
    Certification Date: 4/2/15!!!

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