Drug testing at the Big 4? - Page 2

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  • #179271

    Hi I’m starting at one of the Big 4 in Boston and was wondering whether they do drug testing? And if they do would failing it be enough to rescind an offer?

    I smoke marijuana regularly, but obviously would stop if it would impact my employment. I’ve been told that they may drug test for governmental audits as a matter of procedure, but I haven’t heard whether they do it for new hires.

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  • Author
  • #430248
    GO Hawks

    just become a functioning alcoholic like don draper and myself, much cooler

    BEC 88 5/25/2013
    FAR 96 7/01/2013
    AUD 99 7/08/2013
    REG 93 8/01/2013

    Straight Becker'in it


    Haha. Funny question. I was never tested or asked to for regular employment, but as others mentioned if you work on govt clients or any place that is highly secure and requires secret clearance or even just additional background checking, then you may have to do so for a client.


    I'll just answer your questions and not be all high and mighty. I did not get drug tested when I started at one of the Big 4 on the west coast.

    BEC - Passed (1st attempt)
    AUD - Passed (2nd attempt)
    REG - Passed (1st attempt)
    FAR - Passed (3rd times the charm)
    I'm a fan of BARF
    California CPA

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