Does height play a role? - Page 2

  • Creator
  • #174784

    Hi There,

    As a short guy standing at 5’5, I’m shorter than 90% of the male population.Will my short height in any way affect my career if I decide to go into auditing? I know auditing is all about client interaction, and honestly us short guys are never taken seriously. Therefore, I feel like recruiters may be hesitant to hire a short person over an another that is of average height.

    To those working in auditing at a Big 4 or Big 10, do you see anyone shorter than the average short (54-5’6)


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  • Author
  • #382506

    I'm a 5'9″ female and not a damn person takes me seriously. 😛 Trust me, it's all about how you act!

    Just beware, like someone said, of having the “Napoleon complex”…act with a normal, healthy level of confidence and you will be JUST fine!

    Why was there bacon in the soap?!

    BEC 4/19/2013: 79 - the "easiest" one doesn't mess around lol
    AUD 11/13/12: 90...NOT SURE IF SRS
    REG 2/11/13: 87!!!!! LOLWUT!!>???!?
    FAR 8/18/12: 81 MOFOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (srsly thought I failed lolol)

    Passed all 4 on the first try using Roger, NINJA Notes for FAR, and NINJA Audio for REG & BEC.

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